Grantham University
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Grantham University was established in Southern California on January 2, 1951. Grantham grew to include resident campuses that spanned the United States from Seattle to Kansas City to Washington, D.C. offering undergraduate and graduate degree programs in Criminal Justice, Business Administration, Engineering Management, Information Systems, Software Engineering Technology, Computer Science, Computer Engineering Technology, Electronics Engineering Technology, General Studies and Interdisciplinary Studies.
As interest in Grantham's degree programs extended beyond its campuses, the college developed distance education programs to serve a geographically dispersed student body. As the demand for distance education increased, the University consolidated its residential campuses into one location just outside New Orleans, Louisiana in 1991. In the late ‘90s it began offering degree programs exclusively online until Hurricane Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast region on 29 August 2005, destroying over eighty percent of Grantham University’s buildings. Fortunately, Grantham University had been planning to open a satellite campus in Kansas City, Missouri. As a result of Hurricane Katrina, those plans were accelerated and the move to Kansas City occurred seven days after the hurricane hit.
Grantham University is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of the Distance Education and Training Council.