Talk:Grandes écoles
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[edit] Conférence des grandes écoles
The name "grande école" is not a legal definition. There is no mention of it in any text or law. It is purely a sociological creation. There is no such thing as the concept of an "elite school" in France. Rather, what is perceived to be in the elite is called a "grande école". The "Conférence des grandes écoles" is not a recognised body allowed to award any name. It is a purely private association of schools. It has to be noted that following the Ministry of Higher Education audit of Engineering schools and Business Schools in 2004, half of the schools belonging to the Conférence des grandes écoles only were recognised as able to award official degrees. So, if you follow the list given by that association, you will make 2 serious factual mistakes: 1 - You will incorporate many institutions that do not deliver recognised master's degrees. 2 - You will confuse a concept that is in the air and an association that has been created to play with the concept.
[edit] IEPs
Nota bene:
- "Grande Ecole" is not a synonymous of "elite schools". There are some Grandes écoles which are elite schools, and other Grandes écoles are not. And there are other elite schools which do not belong to the category of Grandes écoles. Grande école is not a synonymous of "Great School". This is complex, unfortunately.
- French "Grandes écoles" is a controversial matter, since schools communication policies induces real bias. Good sources are required!
- IEP are NOT recognized as "Grandes Ecoles"!It is a recurrent mistake here. See La Conférence des Grandes Ecoles, which is the official institution which is allowed to qualify an institution as such.
Floressas 15:58, 10 March 2006 (UTC)
I understand this point of view. However, the matter is more complicated than that. The definition of a grande école by the conférence des grandes écoles itself is given on their website: [1]. It clearly applies to the IEP of Paris (though not to the other IEPs). The list given by the conférence is clearely labeled Liste des Ecoles adhérentes de la Conférence des Grandes Ecoles Françaises (list of the members of the conférence). Sciences Po is most often considered a Grande école in France, even if it is not a membre of the conférence. There is no indication that the conférence is more than just an association, with no offical role. Peco
I agree with Peco, Sciences Po is highly selective, independant in its teaching, small compared to universities, and enjoys unique recognition by large companies and State administration. What else is a grande ecole? Moreover, the Conference is only an association, where members can reject your membership application!Tlanson 19:36, 10 March 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Reply
This is not serious: an association is an institution, and it is the only one with such a network of high level experts to decide. Its status is not a serious argument: there are many associations in the US which are the only one allowed to give a precise title ( AACSB for instance). It has enough credibility, no other institution has. And do you really think that French State is not officially involved in the selection? The association is the only one which is mentionned by the governement about the topic: . As most Grandes Ecoles are semi-private, such a kind of institution (peer-control regulation) is easily understandable and efficient, and it is an official one. But enough about it.
Sc-po is related to CPU ( Conférence des présidents des universités.), so it is impossible that it belongs to the other category.
Many non-rigourous journalists assert that the IEP is a Grande Ecole("Sciences Po is most often considered a Grande école in France" as you said ). But opinion and public manipulation is not truth, and has much less value than a serious peer review selection in the before-mentioned official association; and there is no reason to think that their work is not good. For Sc-po, since it has a really objectionable communication policy, one should be very careful. An opinion is admitted in Wikipedia if grounded on expert, reliable and unbiaised sources, and the ONLY institution which has enough expertise and reputation to decide is the Conference.
Then, "elite school", why not, since it is wide and vague, but "grandes ecole", which is a precise concept and label, is too affirmative. Sc-Po looks like a grande école, but it is not labelled as such. Usual wikipedians are not educational experts (no more than public opinion), and do not have to decide if an institution fits a definition or not (Strange quality process!!), as you tried to do. If Sc-po is, why not Dauphine or Paris 1 at bac+5 level, or Celsa, or EHESS ? For Dauphine(which has the same status than Sc-Po and the same kind of characteristics) people always say that it is a Grande Ecole; could I accept that on Wikipedia? Many universities or others (UTC Compiègne) have some features that looks like Grandes écoles' (Usual imitation process)
The main problem with such a categorization is that it will clearly induce foreigners into mistake ( it occured before, and it is very boring and difficult to suppress recurrent mistakes: hence my remarks at the top of the page.) . Precision and expertise is always prefered to speculative opinion on Wikipedia.
As a teacher and researcher, I cannot allow opinion to guide Wikipedia's editorial patterns.
Floressas 13:49, 12 March 2006 (UTC)
PS: Sc-po is less selective than most grandes ecoles; there is no comparision between Polytechnique (or business or engineers schools in Paris) and Sc-Po for instance. Some of my friends studied only one month to enter at the 4th year level; quite easy according to them.
- AFAIK to enter at the 4th year level at Sciences Po, you have to study for at least 3 years before, or to have several years of work experience. Apokrif 16:56, 28 July 2006 (UTC)
My intention is not to troll here. I will only restate that nobody is entitled to decide officially whether this or that is a grande école or not. It's like the grands corps : no official definition.
But I will point some errors in your statement.
- As most Grandes Ecoles are semi-private
You cannot ignore that sciences po enjoys a semi-public status, being managed by the FNSP, a private foundation. Furthermore, many grande école are completely public.
- Sc-po is related to CPU ( Conférence des présidents des universités.), so it is impossible that it belongs to the other category.
This is false. A school can belong to more than one organisation.
- and has much less value than a serious peer review selection in the before-mentioned official association
I agree with you if what you say is that only the conférence decides whether a school can be a membre of the conférence.
- Sc-po is less selective than most grandes ecoles; there is no comparision between Polytechnique
I understand that you are studying at polytechnique. So I can reassure you: almost no school in France is as selective as polytechnique, except for Normale and the ENA. I do not challenge that. But many members of the conférence are very much less selective than scpo. So this is not a criterion.
Peco 20:02, 13 March 2006 (UTC)
It is a fact Sc-Po is not a member of the Conference, and therefore it is not right to say that Sc-Po is a Conference member. However it is absolutely not true that "only the Conference decides whether a school is a Grande Ecole or not". Schools with low reputation can claim they are Grandes Ecoles because of membership. But at the same time, you would have to admit "Grande Ecole" is as much a common understanding of prestige and elite as it is about membership: EGIM is a member, but most people won't know it and won't name it a Grande Ecole. For Science Po, it is the opposite. Basically, Grande Ecole is not a protected name, which means no organization has authority on who is and who is not a Grande Ecole.Tlanson 01:16, 17 March 2006 (UTC)
Hello people, this is to inform you that the article dedicated to SUPAERO has been placed into the peer review thread. I invite you to take a peek at it and say what you think of it. Thanks! Flambe 04:02, 27 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Polytechnique
"While École Polytechnique is run by the Ministry of Defence and its French students are reserve officers in training, it is no longer a military academy and few of its students embrace a military career afterwards." This means that some students do embrace a military career, so I don't see why it is not a military academy (the article does not define "military academy", and military academy only says "Their exact definition depends on the country"). Apokrif 16:54, 28 July 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Administratives schools
Added top schools (very selective, almumni ending up leading positions) by fields: ENSSIB, ENI (Tax school), ENM (juges and prosecutors), ENSP and EOGN (for police forces). —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 06:37, 17 December 2006 (UTC).
[edit] Centrale Lyon
Can we stop referring to this school as a first tier one (in top 10 of engineering school), its graduates are not centraliens either (only Paris provides this status). It is one of the best second tier but not a first tier school, same applies to Arts et Metiers. Thx
- I completely agree with you. Last week I had to undo lots of modifications done by somebody using IP not only in this article, but, worse, in articles of other schools (Centrale Paris and Mines Paris). He degradated their contents just to show that Centrale Lyon was at their same level of excellence.
- Agustin.PalaciosLaloy
- Absolutely, the same guy keeps undoing others' valid contribution, for example by removing Ecole Normale Superieure from the top list, etc. (He also doesn't know how to type, introducing typos and spurious spaces around commas and brackets.) This is bordering on vandalism. How can we flag him?
[edit] Selectivity of top French Grandes Ecoles
There are about 600,000 French students taking the baccalaureat each year, here is an estimate of the number of students entering the top French Grandes Ecoles after a Classe Preparatoire:
X: 350 ENS (all options): 500 ECP: 300 ENSMP: 200 HEC: 350 ENPC: 150 ESSEC: 350 ESCP-EAP: 350 SUP AERO: 150 SUPELEC: 440 ENST: 150 ENSTA: 150 ESPCI: 200 ENSAE: 150 ESE: 250 INA PG: 300 ENA: 100
TOTAL: 4,000
This is about 0.5% of High School graduates.
In the UK, Oxford and Cambridge enroll also about 4,000 students a year for a country of similar population (but with more foreign students from the ex-colonnies). In the US, the Ivy League schools (Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Brown, Penn) enroll about 22,000 students a year for a country almost 5 times larger in population.
[edit] ENSAM, not prestigious?
I wonder why ENSAM isn't in the pool of prestigious grandes écoles whilst some others are in it and aren't necessarily more prestigious than the above mentioned school?...I would have X and Mines de Paris on top, in a second pool Centrale Paris, Ponts et Chaussée, ENSAM, PC, Supéléc, ENSTA, ENST, Sup'Aero, ENSAE...which is quite the same than your classification...(I just noticed that...).
Regards, Alexander142
ps: sorry for my lack of knowledge on how to use Wikipedia...
Further discussion
To add some stuff to my previous question (and to answer partialy to an edited reply of the above question...):
- ENSAM is 10th and 7th in the two rankings the Point magazine made and I think it's quite a serious ranking ( Moreover numerous other rankings put ENSAM in the top 10, or top 5...but I don't believe in their seriousness because of the few number of criteria on which they base the ranking (they=L'Entreprise, L'Usine Nouvelle, L'Express,...)
- Former students of ENSAM have a mean salary that is less than X, Centrale Paris or Mines de Paris...which is quite obvious if you consider the main field of recruitment for Gadz' they don't have a lot of people working in finance to push the mean value higher...not looking at Centrale Paris or anything...(take it easy if you're centralien ^^).
- ENSAM is a leading school in its field (weird to say for a so called generalist school, I suppose this is a relative notion...they are but in engineering ^^) and former students of this school are rather appreciated by me it belongs in the first pool but then I'm not the writer of the article and everyone has his own views. However: why put ENST, ENSAE, PC... in the prestigious ones whilst maintaining ENSAM out of it? They belong there because of the the following charatistics: good start salary, rather good rankings, leading schools in their own field, history, appreciated in their field...considering the (assumed) methodology used to make the list it's a non sense not having the above mentionned school in it.
- The alumni association of the school has roughly 28000 members...powerful lobbying tool, excellent when the economy doesn't work well to find a job for students who just graduate,...
Do as you wish, I only wanted to make your article more accurate.
Cheers, Alexander142
Re : ENSAM, not prestigious?
In addition, people should know that French Grandes Ecoles are not only classified by their level of studies, selective entrance exams or first year salary but also by Human ressources services over the world. International companies that hire thousands of young engineers, are more able to rank Universities than journalists. In that way, ENSAM is one of the top french engineering school because it leads more than one thousand students to gradutation, that is to says more than a quarter of the 4000 students from others Grandes Ecoles together. Furthermore, history has made ENSAM one of the most french prestigious school. Duc de La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt founded the first "campus" 200 years ago, in 1806 in Châlons sur Marne (also famous for its Champagne)and through centuries, the school has become what it is now : a great Grande Ecole. French engineering formation landscape would be very different without ENSAM. On the other hand, ENSAM is one of the two Grandes Ecoles that remains in Paris "intra-muros" with Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines Paris, this is a symbol. Finally, according to a lot of technical departments I have worked with, in USA, Mexico, South America, Russia or China, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Metiers is very famous trough its powerful, reliable, friendly alumni association that makes the school UNIQUE.
Hi Zabar,
Duc de La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt founded the first school in Liancourt in 1780, Châlons is the odlest surviving one. I might add for further information that the original school was made to "produce" specialised workmen, during the 19th century the alumni gradually went up socialwise passing by foreman stages to engineer. The school changing its teaching to shift (gradually) to an engineer school in 1907...but this is a bit out of topic here...
In Paris, "intra-muros" that is, there is also PC.
Regards, Alexander142
For the sake of objectivity, the author should either give his methodology for his list of "most prestigious schools" or adopt a non controversial alphabetical list...why not simply copy the French version for this part?
Regards, Alexander142
Can the author please explain me why ENSAM, a founding member of the CGE (along with X, ECP, Mines de Paris, Ponts et Chaussées, ENST, ENSTA, Supélec, Supaéro, ESPCI, INA PG, HEC...all the engineer schools of the list...hmm), is not in the above mentioned list? PLEASE!! or at least give some explaination for it or state in the article that this list is purely subjective,...
Regards, Alexander142 23:09, 2 March 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Paristech
A paragraph/link dealing with Paristech ( might be a good idea.
Alexander142 00:53, 1 March 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Proposed Criteria for incorporation into the Grandes Ecoles category
To stop these endless discussions, I propose to agree on criteria for incorporating schools into the discussed category or not:
- Selectivity: A "grande école" is highly selective. There is no question about that. So HEC, X, Sc. Po or Normale Sup have very low acceptance rates. They differ in selection modes, but all are very difficult to get in. The problem is that half of the schools listed here will disappear from the article. Namely, all the second tier Engineering and Business schools, which offer more places than they have candidates.
- WOW effect: A "grande école" is like Oxbridge or Ivy; when an individual mentions where he/she studied, people are impressed.
I propose that these criteria are cumulative.
Otherwise, the army used to put people into categories before entering the National service. And there were two categories: The "grandes écoles" and the "écoles", which could be "écoles de commerce", or "écoles d'ingénieur".
Whether a "grande écol"e is part of the Conférence des grandes écoles or not is utterly irrelevant. The École des Chartes and École Normale Supérieure - Ulm administratively belong to Paris I - Panthéon-Sorbonne. However, there is no discussion as to their status. It should be the same for all.
The "elite schools" idiom is purely foreign to French culture and perception. It is a translation of the idiom "grande école". There cannot be a differenciation between the two concepts.
Please read Bourdieu, please! before any change or discussion is made to this article!
- Hi Vanuatu92,
- I agree with you on the fact that we need a definition of the term...however whatever definition we might end up with, there will always be some people thinking that such or such school belongs to the category of "Grandes Ecoles". I'd rather just give a list of schools without mentioning prestige or anything.
- The wow effect isn't a relevant criterion...objectivity must prevail.
- Alexander142 00:12, 6 March 2007 (UTC)
- Hi. The problem is that these schools are not legally anything special. It's really hard to find objective criteria for a purely sociological fact. Perhaps, there should just be a mention, at the beginning of the article, that the following list is debated?
Hey guys,
I'm french and I am at the Mines Paris at the moment. I completely agree with Alexander142 on the fact that those schools are not legally special. However, I can't really agree on the criterion you use for your selection of those schools. Being a founding member of the CGE implies that the school is very good but few ones are missing: ENGREF, INSA Lyon and ENSIMAG for the engineering schools. Those three schools are really important in that category:
- 'ENGREF' because it trains engineers from the "Corps de l'Etat" (including Poytechniciens)
- 'INSA Lyon' because it is far before all the 5-year schools and represents that model; they're usually considered to have a developped human dimension in addition to their scientific skills; it is a traditional school belonging to the top 10. (however they would be at the end of the 10 first)
- 'ENSIMAG' because it is the best school for Computer engineering, and is one of the hardest school to get after the taupe. It is also really reputed for finance engineering and they are often considered in the 10 top.
Furthermore I have to add something:
X is the best of the best engineering schools, it should really be placed before all of the others, even before les Mines et Centrale Pa X is very very special and those people are very smart
Cheers Hendrix elec
PS: I tried to find a descent ranking on google, and it took a lot of time...... I found this one on a school website. It is not quite perfect but it is the most representative of the ten first that I found.... Sorry (it's just to give you an idea)
- Hi Hendrix Elec. The One thing we are trying to avoid is exactly that: you are in one school, and therefore are fighting for place n°2, or 3 or x against another editor, who will come from another... This is endless.
- Look. I'm a graduate of a few institutions, some grandes ecoles, some Oxbridge, some plain universities. But I do not write about my schools/unis, or fight for their place. We are trying to be as objective, or accurate, as can be. And being too personal is biased. Moreover, it's not about a ranking in this article; it's about explaining a concept to people who do not know about it. What you are doing is typical of the grandes écoles frame of mind, but is not relevant to the article.
- Hi Hendriw elec,
- I was trying to find a common point to all the listed schools and the fact that most of them were founding members of the CGE appeared to me, I wouldn't make it a criterion either ^^
- Anyway all those rankings are pointless and just end up with students and alumni arguing about it...I'm quite satisfied with the article as it is (with a mention of the controversial content of the part discussed here).
- Alexander142 03:26, 17 March 2007 (UTC)
- ps: for the ranking-addicts:
Hi Vanuatu92,
I understand your viewpoint. I agree that this article is quite "controversial". You know that french system is one of the most elitist (it is not a quality, I agree with you...;-) in the world. We have to explain it in this article.
I'm not quite personnal here as I'm from Mines Pa, and there is no debate on it. I'm just trying to help you bulding this article, because the french system is nowhere clearly explained and written (even the newspaper completely disagree on this topic...). Even many french people don't understand it.
But two things are non controversial (as a french I can tell you): X do have a special status. the ENGREF, INSA Lyon, Ensimag do belong to the best grandes ecoles. I do assure you that they are very famous and recognized. (I don't understand why you deleted those three schools (???????)
Otherwise, if youdon't want to rank, you have another choice: don't rank grandes ecoles on this article if you don't want to talk about ranking.
Anyway, I and all the french do apologize for having a so ununderstandable system...
Hendrix elec
- I'm French as well. And have graduated from two non-controversial grandes écoles, and lectured in others. Didn't delete the schools, just put them in the second list. Insa, for example, recruits after high school. If too many institutions are listed, I believe it will be confusing (even more than at present). X has a special status, as ENS, Chartes, HEC and ENA. I'm not sure Sc. Po doesn't have a special status as well. But other schools are virtually unknown from the wider public. They may be selective, but are not impressive in every day life. I don't think anyone graduated from Ensimag, or ESC Rouen, gets an uneasiness at mentionning his/her school.
- My second point is that, as elitism goes, it is clearly not related to selectivity. The ratio grandes écoles (in its too wide acception) over country population is much higher than the ratio Ivy or Oxbridge over country population. The system is perceived as more selective than elsewhere; but this is not necessarily the case (just leave France, as is my case, and it becomes silly, if not even ridiculous). To render/translate that feeling of elitism, not too many schools should be put down otherwise readers will be confused between the "elitist" character and the amount of students who go to grandes écoles.
Hi guys,
I am an other French who is studying in an ingineering school (INP Grenoble). This discussion is an endless discussion, and it is so French. Well an easy way to end this discussion is to rank only the three schools which widely recognised as the mains ones: Polytechnique, Centrale Paris et Mine Paris. They are known because of their famous alumnis and because of the quality of their formation and researches. To content every body it could be made an allusion to the other by the way of mentioning the different entrance exams ("concours") or "prépa intégrée" like this :
There is a broad spectrum of engineering schools, many recruiting after taupes. Things may be a bit confusing since many schools have a lengthy official name (often beginning with École Nationale Supérieure), a shortened name, an acronym and, for the most famous, a nickname (and often a nickname for their students).
Amidst all the engineering schools, only a few of them are very prestigious and famous for the quality of their formation and recruitment and the fame of their research department, among which three are major:
- the École Polytechnique, nicknamed X, which trains engineers and prepares its students (the polytechniciens) for high-level graduate studies or high-level administrative careers. It is highly considered to be the best engineering grande école in France;
- the École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris (ENSMP or the Mines de Paris);
- the École Centrale Paris (ECP), whose graduates are centraliens;
There are a total of 227 Ecoles d'ingénieurs in France which are mainly divided by the their mode of recruitement. The student can be selected by an entrance examination after the "classe préparatoire" (by order of importance) :
- Concours Polytechnique (entrance examination for the Ecole Polytechnique)
- Concours Centrale-Supélec (in which student of École Centrale Paris and Supelec are recruited)
- Concours commun Mines-Ponts (in which student of the École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris are recruited)
- Concours Commun Polytechnique (in which
- Concours E3A/E4A (while the ENSAM is recruiting in this "concours" it is considerated as a major engineering school of France)
- Concours des écoles d'agronomie (this "concours" cannot be ranked because of its particularity: it only selects for schols of agronomy, one famous school recruiting by this "concours" is the INA P-G)
or directly after their high school on the review of their high school's grades. Some famous schools select their students directly after the high school, among which there is the INSA Lyon.
Kau Australis
- I agree quite. That's what I did for the "Ecoles de commerce": I put the three big ones in a group, a few others after. It would feel unfair for others but it would be much better.
Considering the ranking made by magazines you have two types of rankings:
- The ones that separate schools after prepa and schools after prepa integree
- The ones that rank both. In those ones UTC is part of the 20 first and INSA is part of the 10 first. (a summary I found on UTC website because this school conserves lots of ranking on its page)
This is not all about INSA or UTC. I don't care about it. It is just the fact that some taupins sometimes forget that some (at least 2) schools whith prepa intégrée are part of the top 15...
Ok Ok it's better to put another ranking. I put this average ranking because it's the most objective I found: it makes an average of ALL the ranking published during 5 years, it couldn't be more objective ! Nobody cares about the fact it was made by students, provided it was made thanks to a synthesis of all the ranking made during these latest years. You'll always find a ranking where your school has a good place, but it's harder to prove the fame of a school with only a ranking. That's why I think that a ranking that makes an average of 22 ranking is interesting. Your ranking is OK, it was extracted from a serious magazine (not Le Point ;) and the ranking you put has been taken into account in the ranking I put :)
The thing about this ranking you found is that it makes a ranking of "only post prepa schools", that's why I said it was not very objective. Apart from the fact that INSA and UTC are not in this ranking, it is true that it is a good one, but if you wan't an accurate one, it should include INSA and UTC.
The thing about the students I told you about, is that I know them, and some of them are very against 5 year schools, because of the old rivality between INSA and UTC and the taupins (apart from the ones that are sure to go to Ulm who don't care about this rivality). Anyway we're both reasonable persons I think, and I'm happy that we didn't have a "pugilat" :-) (that's a french word)
[edit] INSA Lyon
Can we be serious and take this school out of the top tier list, it just does not make the list consistent. INSA Lyon is a second tier school at best - not a Groupe A school, I am not even sure it is a Groupe B. I believe Groupa A schools are X, Ecoles d'appli de l'X (Mines Paris, Ponts, SupAero, ENSTA, ENSAE, TElecoms Paris, ENSPM), Centrale Paris, Supelec and may be INA PG (Top Agro school), ESPCI (special status - at least 4 or 5 Nobel Prizes, second to ENS here) and ENSAM (if we push it, but ENSAM is likely to be a top Groupe B). INSA Lyon just does not fit at all in this list, and the top ENSIs should be ahead of this school. Thanks to correct this to keep this article accurate!