Talk:Great Abatis Border
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I've changed Tatars back to Mongolo-Tatars since the name Tatars is very largely used and can mean several (about 10) different tribes, folks and nations. The term Mongolo-Tatars is MUCH more strict (although still not enough strict).
And what's also importaint, the major part of Tatars from Great Tataria (on Volga) as well as Crimean Tatars treat the term Tatars offencive, if it is used in this context. Imagine that you live in a country X and belong to the folk Y and the teacher teaches you that 1000 years ago the Y came to X and made thousands of terrible things. Nobody want to hear this only because the name of that ancient tribe and your current ethnic group are the same (although they have very little in common in reality).
I hope this will help.
User: Arseni April 18 2004 13:50 UTC