GS1 DataBar
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GS1 DataBar [formerly Reduced Space Symbology (RSS)] is a family of linear symbols that includes GS1 DataBar, GS1 DataBar Limited, and GS1 DataBar Expanded. GS1 DataBar and GS1 DataBar Limited encode Global Trade Item Numbers (GTINs). GS1 DataBar Expanded will encode any of the GS1 System identification numbers as well as all other Application Identifiers.
GS1 DataBar is widely used in the healthcare industry for both pharmaceuticals and medical/surgical products.
GS1 DataBar has been identified to solve problems in the grocery industry where there had previously been no machine readable marking or there was inadequate information encoded.
One advantage of using a GS1 DataBar barcode rather than a UPC barcode is that, while either one can encode the GTIN for the product, the GS1 DataBar barcode can also include the expiration date.
The name was changed from RSS by GS1 due to the potential for confusion with Really Simple Syndication[1].