Gun safes
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Gun safes are used for different purposes. Owning gun safes to contain your firearms not only keep your weapons safe from theft they can also be a way of showing off your collection in an atmosphere they deserve. Many gun safe manufactures make different sizes and styles to accommodate firearm owners for things like waterproof and fireproof safes as well as simple to elaborate.
Those who own guns should take responsibility for them. Only those allowed to have access should be able to gain access. Gun safes ensure that only those people that you wish to obtain your firearms are the only ones that really can. Not only does this limit the possibility of theft but it also discourages playing with firearms. In 2004 29,569 people died due to firearms as stated by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Gun safes have been the subject of legislation in the in the House and the Senate for many years. While the right to bear arms has been in the constitution almost since its inception, there are many different factions that have distinct opinions about the issue. The National Rifle Association, promoted by Charleton Heston, is concerned with enabling Americans to protect themselves. On the other hand, the National Gun Safe Coalition provides information and works toward legislation on how to protect children from being injured or killed by accidental death from a weapon stored in a private residence.==Sources== Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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