Daniel Carter Beard
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Daniel Carter (Uncle Dan) Beard (Cincinnati 1850 – Suffern 1941) foi un ilustrador, escritor e reformador social norteamericano.
Fillo do pintor James H. Beard, medrou en Covington, Kentucky. En 1878 estableceu con dous irmáns o seu propio estudo en Nova York, no que realizaron ilustracións para xornais e libros, entre eles as ilustracións da primeira edición de Un ianqui de Connecticut na corte do rei Artur de Mark Twain. En 1905 fundou a organización Sons of Daniel Boone, precursora dos Boy Scouts. Cando se fundaron os Boy Scouts of America en 1910 integrou a súa organización nesta e converteuse nun dos seus líderes.
[editar] Obra
- American Boy's Handy Book, 1882, 1903
- The American Girl's Handy Book, 1887
- The American Boy's Book of Sport, 1890
- Moonlight and Six Feet of Romance, 1892
- The Outdoor Handy Book , 1896
- Jack of All Trades, 1900, 1904?
- Field and Forest Handy Book, 1906
- Animal Book and Campfire Stories, 1907
- Boy Pioneers and Sons of Daniel Boone, 1909
- Boat, Building, and Boating, 1912
- Shelters, Shacks, and Shanties, 1914
- The American Boy's Book of Bugs, Butterflies and Beetles, 1916
- The American Boy's Book of Sign's, Signals and Symbols, 1918
- The American Boy's Book of Camp-Lore and Woodcraft, 1920
- The American Boy's Book of Wild Animals, 1921
- The Black Wolf-Pack , 1922,
- American Boy's Book or Birds and Brownies of the Woods, 1923
- Do It Yourself, 1925
- Wisdom of the Woods, 1926, 1927?
- Buckskin Book For Buckskin Men and Boys, 1929
- Hardly A Man is Now Alive, 1939 (autobiografía)