User talk:Semion lugovic
Na Galipedia, a wikipedia en galego.
Benvido á galipedia. Non sei como interpretar o que apareceu na túa páxina, polo tanto comprenderás que teña precaución contigo. Agremon
[editar] [Mediawiki-i18n] Internationalisation news
- Halló Semion! If you can help improuving the "{{int:Allmessages}}" – "Todas as mensaxes do sistema" files "LanguageGl.php" and "MessagesGl.php" to run the Galician projects please log in at [1], go to Betawiki:LanguageGl.php and MessagesGl.php at section "contact persons" and list your name. We can start with the new messages translated already and continue step by step.
- If you are on IRC please visit the channel #wikipedia-BiDi.
- For other "LanguageXx.php" and "MessagesXx.php" files please see Betawiki:category:Internationalization. Thanks in advance! Best regards Gangleri · T · m: Th · T 17:46, 10 maio 2006 (UTC)