This is my final word on this. It really boils down to what has happened, I am forced to use a proxy to post this comment because I make mention that we will keep fighting this in one way or another. For you, it is good that we are taking this off of wikipedia and moving it off to sharing our experience and letting others share their experience. You should know by now people really do not like to be silenced, they tend to get rather aggravated and unruley by the actions. I can only imagine someone going through this process with *REAL* useful information to post such in the areas of science and medicine only to be met by a forceful wall such as the one we ran into. Oh User X Has been using wikipedia for 5 months and has made thousands of edits and so decides that your Expert Y's opinion doesn't matter so we should just delete it or move it off to a talk page. Expert Y is now just Joe User Z because Expert Y hasn't invested enough time in Wikipedia for anyone to care. If you want to be in the business of sharing information I would think you want to invite newbies to come help out instead of deleting everything they post and offering useless advice such as visit this website. You make comments about RTFM, etc, well this is fun to say, but in practice doing that gets you fired in real life. This was never about getting a wikipedia article, it was the silly policies of Wikipedia that makes new users jump though 50 hoops to get any content posted since they are "new users". Perhaps in the future you will not be so quick to delete, but instead try to work with those who wish to help out and contribute. This would of NEVER happened if only someone would of taken the time to work with us instead of taking 2 seconds to mark it NN and ask for a deletion.
I am sorry you got involved with this Haikupoet. If it wasn't you it would of been someone else, but you have to clearly see that MOST people come here want to share information and leave. Making new users jump through the hoops is only going to discourage the growth of wikipedia and make the great strides for accuracy seem redundant because it will turn into a bunch of individuals with a lot of time on their hands screaming NPOV...NN...Sockpuppet and those with real information and real expertise will tune out and leave. That is rather unfortunate. Seeing how I work in education I cannot help but tell anyone that asks me about Wikipedia what went on and how it is going to be difficult for relevent and accurate information to be listed on this website. I know you did not make the rules, you are just following them so you can be part of the community, but thr rules and barrier of entry are REALLY going to hurt Wikipedia in the long run