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All Half-creatures are mostly fictional characters made up to help progress a story, game or movie, in some way. Half-creatures are creatures with one species (mostly human) and the traits/characteristics of another species. Genis Sage of Tales of Symphonia, InuYasha of InuYasha anime, and Magnetin Darkwind of the Dragon Chronicals series are all examples of Half-creatures.
[edit] Half-Creatures from Illuistrated Stories
Note: Not a complete list.
- Magnetin Darkwind, Deliphine Lightwind, End Bringer, Josephine Caspell and almost half of the cast of the Dragon Chronicals series are all have different varieties of half-creatures.
- Magnetin Darkwind is a half-dragon.
- Deliphine Lightwind is a half-creature, but it's unknown.
- End Bringer is a half-demon.
- Josephine Caspell is a half-elf.
- Andrew Cashit and Andrea Cashit are both half-felines
- Bark n' Bite are both half-canine.
[edit] Half-Creatures from Video Games
Note: Not a complete list.
- Genis Sage, Raine Sage and most of the cast of Tales of Symphonia are half-elves.
- Alucard from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is a half-vampire.
- Dizzy from the Guilty Gear series is a half-gear.
- Uriko from the Bloody Roar series is a half cat
- Soren from Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance is half-laguz and half-beorc.
- Dante and Vergil from the Devil May Cry series are both half-demons.
[edit] Half-Creatures from TV Shows, Anime or Movies
Note: Not a complete list.
- InuYasha and Naraku from the InuYasha anime are both half-demons.
- Gohan, Trunks, Goten, Bulla from the Dragon Ball series are all half-saiyans, while Pan is a quarter-saiyan.
- Paige Matthews, Chris Perry and Wyatt Halliwell from charmed are all Whitelighter/witch hybrids.