Hand walking
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Hand walking is an unusual form of locomotion, in which the walker moves primarily using their hands. Before one can begin this method of motion, a handstand position must be attained and maintained, which requires good upperbody pressing strength in the deltoids and triceps, as well as a heightened sense of balance and spatial awareness.
Hand walking is often used to keep balance in a free handstand (without a wall), and due to the shifting balance, for brief periods all the weight is held on one arm. It is an easier sort of acrobatic maneuver that should be learned before one-armed handstands. It initially requires a good deal of practice since in the beginning it can be quite tiring. Just remember that you need to arc your back more when you go from a handstand to walking. That is the key way to achieve equilibrium long enough to actually practice long enough to improve. Once this is mastered, you may attempt different shapes acheived with your legs and arms, e.g. split, straddle, both legs bent, etc.