Talk:Hans Magnus Enzensberger
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[edit] Bard college visit
I just removed the following paragraph
Enzensberger made a visit to Bard College in March, 2005. During his visit he attended a German history class and discussed with students his brief participation in World War Two. At the age of 16 (late 1945), while living in Berlin, a Nazi officer gave him and many other young boys Nazi uniforms as well as weapons. Enzenberger and other young men were ordered to protect Berlin from the invading Russian and Allied Armies. Luckily, before Allies arrived Enzenberger removed his uniform and fled.
which was added (before some additional changes) by Nwabudake, basically because I fail to see how it is notable. This may be due to my own ignorance.
In its current form, the paragraph seems to be an anecdote, and not even a particular interesting one, and doesn't have much to do with Enzensberger. (At least, the level of granularity of that single paragraph is much to high compared to the rest of this very concise entry.) I may be mistaken about notability (for example, Enzensberger may have used the incident in a book, or he is the only visitor to Bard College for a decade, or he has always denied to have worn a Nazi uniform, or whatnot), in which case the paragraph could be improved by explaining the significance of that visit or anecdote.
Furthermore, I am all for expanding the Enzensberger entry (I tried to get the ball rolling by translating the German Wikipedia entry hither), and that could easily include a section on his adolescence. If the paragraph was an attempt to start such a biographical section, then please put it back in and continue the good work! Arbor 07:25, 11 Apr 2005 (UTC)