Talk:Hanso Foundation
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Should there be some explicit discussion of marketing Hanso as a real organization with a life otuside of the show. There's discussion of the content and design of the web sites but not really of the aggressive commercial campaign and web site blitz as a marketing/cultural phenomenon.
[edit] Hanso Foundation Executives
Why was this section removed? It was not a copy/paste from the website. It contained relevant and difficult to find information.
I would like to point everyone to the source code of this page, registerd by Disney. Specifically bits including a number cipher and commented html "LOL H4x0r3d!!1". If someone would look into the number code and possibly cracking that access password I believe it could provide great insights into the Hanso Foundation. Travis 05:28, 7 December 2005 (UTC)
- sorry to disappoint, i think this is the mark of a hacker, namely this guy: [1]Wowlookitsjoe 09:03, 17 March 2006 (UTC)
- access password: "Copenhagen" file revealed: images/ltr_gho.gif 14:56, 4 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Ownership
- Can anyone confirm that this is actually an official site? Only, a quick check of the DNS info reveals that it was registered from an address in copenhagen with a fake phone number (speficially, one comprised entirely of 9s) by someone using a hotmail address. A network would most probably register the site in their own name, not "hanso foundation" for both name and organisation. Also, in my experience, most corporate-registered websites don't withhold the registrants email address (usually they're something like webmaster@<organisation's domain>). I realise that every source on Lost lists this as official, but given the DNS info i'm not so sure. Here's the DNS Info: --Ant991 23:54, 2 May 2006 (UTC)
- look here: --unsigned.- Which is a paysite.. right. Does anyone have a mirror or anything? --Shadowcode 19:31, 26 May 2006 (UTC)
- look here:
[edit] Merge Alvar Hanso into this article
Merge. I think we should merge all this into The Hanso Foundation. We don't need a whole article for a fictional guy the only thing about whom we know is that he founded a fictional foundation. Phoenix-forgotten 05:11, 27 November 2005 (UTC)
Merge. I agree. The only things we know about him comes from the fake instruction movie. Merge the content into The Hanso Foundation, and redirect to that page. abelson 09:24, 27 November 2005 (UTC)
Merge and redirect. There's simply not enough about Alvar Hanso in the show to merit his own separate page, now and, possibly forever (depending on where the show takes us). Baryonyx 06:21, 30 November 2005 (UTC)
Merge. The combined article would not be overly large; see the Dr. Candle section in Dharma Initiative for a corollary. Radagast 19:53, 2 December 2005 (UTC)
[edit] is a red herring. The following two links are for pages that track number stations: Both talk about a message broadcast occasionally in the Eastern US; the same message is repeated, at times, on the site. If you look at the transcription of the number cipher (which is as easy as a newspaper jumble puzzle), you get different messages, of which one mentions the "FRN" and the other someone named "Al Fansome". If you google "Al Fansome," results include a page from, which is a site for pirate radio enthusiasts; someone with the username "Al Fansome" posts in the forum regularly, often referencing a rodent uprising (again, mentioned in the message broadcast on the same frequency as above and played on and spars in the forum with a "Commander Bunny." If you need further proof that this can't be in any way connected with the show, ABC, or Disney, view this entry from Fansome on the forum: It references a .wmv file on another server,, which would land any corporate entity at all responsible, no matter how cirumscribed the route, in serious hot water with the SPCA and other animal welfare groups, not to mention several state and/or federal statutes. This is a radio pirate/hacker, who may or may not have had access to the Hanso Foundation site as a designer (or simply hacked the https protocol), having fun with Lost fans. is registered to an individual rather than a company. Jodaboyo 14:21, 14 October 2005 (UTC)
- Incidental note: The HTTPS trick doesn't work anymore - if it ever did (I never tried it before). Going into secure mode just puts you back on the Hanso site. -Litefantastic 14:06, 31 October 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Original Research
Woa-- rampant Original Research here. Someone get some big scissors to this article. LeFlyman 06:44, 15 October 2005 (UTC)
Ok, before it continued to spiral out of control, I've excised the excessive OR that had no resemblance to encyclopedic information about the television series Lost. Those interested in reviewing the deletion can view it in the The Hanso Foundation/Original Research Archive archival subpage. LeFlyman 21:32, 15 October 2005 (UTC)
- Thanks for your insight. Could you explain why this is considered OR? Nashville 01:06, 16 October 2005 (UTC)
"Original Research" is any information generated by an editor that is not drawn from another source, such as a print or media publication/broadcast -- there is nothing in the television series Lost or in any verifiable news sources that refers to any of the information presented in the excised sections. All of the material was gathered from a single Web site, which does not qualify under the "Verifiability" policy.
In particular, from the "Verifiability, not truth" section of the policy:
Articles in Wikipedia should refer to facts, assertions, theories, ideas, claims, opinions, and arguments that have been published by a reputable or credible publisher. The threshold for inclusion is verifiability, not truth.
-LeFlyman 14:12, 16 October 2005 (UTC)
I'm not sure I understand how the information that was archived is any different than the information on the "official" Hanso Foundation page. Both pages were referenced and verifiable by viewing the remote sites. After reading the Original Research link and although turned out not to be Lost related, I don't understand how this was original research whereas the information still posted for the Hanso Foundation isn't. Had this actually been Lost related and part of the "game", would it have been handled differently? — 11:22, 18 October 2005
The Whois records for show it to be an ABC-owned site-- a source connected to the Lost series-- while the record for shows registration to an individual, Matthew Bardram, in Emeryville, California. Thus, it can be argued that the "Hanso Foundation" website info is an extension of the television show-- albeit, likely created by the marketing, rather than creative department-- "" does not have any such connection, and appears to be purely fan-created. Any attempt to connect the site with the TV series would be Original Research, because there is no link, reference or media source which ties the two. Like the "Genetic Mirror Theory", this appears to be a fan-generated hoax. It does not qualify for inclusion in an article, as it has no valid source for Verifiability. The article would be on surer footing if it were to separate the information that was derived from the "Hanso Foundation" Web site versus that which was drawn from the TV series itself.
- There's a Boston Globe article out there that talks about how a company called 42 Entertainment was behind the Alias ARG. It's based in Emeryville, CA, so it's highly possible that they're running BS1.
- The Emeryville connection is that the PO Box is most likely owned by Melbourne IT, which has offices in Emeryville. A number of different websites use this PO box as their address; all are connected to, a registry service offered by Melbourne IT. Melbourne and 42 Entertainment are only two of many IT-related firms in Emeryville, including some large ones such Pixar and LeapFrog. 23:29, 27 October 2005 (UTC)
Also, even if an anonymous IP editor, please remember to sign your comments with a "~~~~"; this helps readers later be able to differentiate between commenters. —LeFlyman 19:24, 18 October 2005 (UTC)
"Thus, it can be argued that the "Hanso Foundation" website info is an extension of the television show". With respect, that is purely an assumption on your part. What is to stop ABC from registering the domain under another name? "...this appears to be a fan-generated hoax". Another conclusion on your part, with no real evidence. Could your major edit a few days ago be wrong? Cheers, and thanks for the time an attention you have put into this and your other posts\edits\articles here. - Nashville
- Thanks for the kind words. As noted before, it's "verifiable" that the "" domain is registered by ABC-- that is not an assumption. Thus, the material there is produced/approved through some agency of the broadcaster. The sentence beginning with, "It can be argued..." is likewise not an assumption, but a rhetorical statement. I'm not suggesting one way or another for inclusion of "official" Web site information, and have in the past argued for removing non-canonical materials derived from ancillary Web sources, such as those created by the writers' assistants for the Lost "Diary" on
- Neither "" nor "" are registered by the companies behind the show; that's also not an assumption, but fact. As to the question of "What is to stop ABC from registering the domain under another name?" The registrar's "Terms of Service" as required by ICANN is what stops them. Falsifying registration data is a sure way to get into hot water with a registrar and lose a domain. See, for particulars:
- Disney/ABC isn't going to bother to disguise a domain registration under a false personal name just to entertain the conspiracy theories of Internet fans. - LeFlyman 08:52, 19 October 2005 (UTC)
- "The registrar's "Terms of Service" as required by ICANN is what stops them". Excellent point. Thanks.
- On another point, would it be wrong to have a link to the Original Research Archive on the Hanso page? Nashville
If one downloads the Lost screensavers available through, the software is licensed Big Spacehip. According to the archived atricle this information was not mentioned.
[edit] More Original Research
Clipped out of trivia -- it's pure speculative musing, more appropriate to a fan site than here:
LeFlyman 09:44, 29 October 2005 (UTC)
- Still pretty neat, though. And there have been other Star Wars references in the show. -Litefantastic 02:56, 22 November 2005 (UTC)
- There are two scientists that the name is merged from, I'll see if I can find them. --Rroepke 03:01, 26 May 2006 (UTC)
- I have more about Han Solo, which I added to the trivia section. RSimione 07:55, 28 May 2006 (UTC)
- I see it has been removed. "The Hanso Foundation is on the show Lost. Lost & Found go together. So if you switch Lost for Found, you have the Hanso Lostation, or Han Solo Station." was the text. Why was this removed from trivia? It is not speculative, it is self explanatory. And it doesn't reference outside sources, it is entirely self-contained.RSimione
[edit] Question about copyright
Are we allowed to upload images from the Hanso foundation site in order to embed them into the article? I would like to add the faxes sent to HF from the GHO, but not sure what the situation is with ABC's copyright. --morphax 03:43, 1 December 2005 (UTC)
- Wouldn't it be possible to just say what is in the faxes? Do we need the images? -Willmcw 04:46, 1 December 2005 (UTC)
- Agree. I think it'd be helpful to at least quote what is in the faxes, or provide a link to somewhere they're permanently posted. Right now, you can't access any of them on the THF site.--TsuKata 03:58, 24 January 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Letters
I don't know if it's just my computer, but I can't view any of the letters that were added to the site at the end of last year. Has anyone else had this problem? Jon Hart 03:38, 23 January 2006 (UTC)
- Looks like all that is gone; and should likewise be removed from the article. --LeFlyman 05:00, 23 January 2006 (UTC)
- Disagree. The Wiki page could instead include a note that these letters are no longer available on the site. It should still maintain the history that they existed.--TsuKata 04:00, 24 January 2006 (UTC)
- Actually, without any Verifiable source for the material, such info should not be on Wikipedia; otherwise, it is Original Research. Just because it was in this article previously doesn't mean it has any reason to remain. Wikipedia is not a fan site dumping ground.—LeFlyman 17:35, 24 January 2006 (UTC)
- "that have already been published by reputable publishers." Thus fits with wikipedia's policy, so what's the issue? -- 03:10, 31 March 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Quotes and External Links
Since there is only one quote and one external link, shouldn't these sections be titled "Quote" and "External Link" instead? Or should we leave them the way they are in the spirit that we may someday find another quote or external link? --Kahlfin 19:48, 6 February 2006 (UTC)
- The MoS, last time I looked, asks for the plural form, regardless of number, but some users disagree with that. IMO it should be plural; people are often lazy in adding links and don't update the header, and thus makes the section look doubly silly in that it has singular with a plural number of links. Coincidentally, link is dead or something. Is there a mirror?Dysprosia 05:27, 13 February 2006 (UTC)
[edit] What is The Hanso Foundation?
What is The Hanso Foundation, really? The only thing actually mentioned on the show is: "Danish industrialist and munitions magnate Alvar Hanso whose financial backing made [DeGroots'] dream of a multi-purpose social science research facility a reality."
No mention of a "Hanso Foundation", nor about "creating a brighter future for all humanity". All information about this "foundation" comes from various web sites affiliated with the network. While the contents of such sites may be entertaining to fans searching for clues, wikipedia should try to stick to what is said on the actual show, because all else can prove to have been a red herring. If this information is provided anyway, it should be clearly noted that it does not come from the show itself.
I propose to resurrect an "Alvar Hanso" article and fill it with information about Alvar Hanso, as presented on the show. When and if a "Foundation" is presented on the show, it can be added. 10:34, 15 February 2006 (UTC)
- You may be onto something. Most of the content appears to be based solely on the web site, which seems to have gone down; hence, without source-material, it's likely that this would fail the requirement for Verifiability. While obviously an ABC-related production, the only direct connection between the site and the show was a quoted line by "Mr. Friendly." If the site does not return, I'd suggest we're stuck with a definite quandary about what to do with this article-- perhaps the verifiable material it should be merged into The Dharma Initiative. —LeflymanTalk 21:22, 15 February 2006 (UTC)
- Leflyman, you can cite websites that no longer exist. Verifiability does not have to be convenient, citations can come from difficult to obtain sources, and you are permitted to link to non-authoritive mirror copies of an authoritive website for the sake of making it more convenient to verify, just as you are allowed to link to scanned web copies of difficult to obtain reference books or court documents. You should read W:CITE on this matter. Specifically, it says do not remove the inactive reference, but rather record the date that the original link was found to be inactive — even inactive, it still records the sources that were used, and it is possible hard copies of such references may exist, or alternatively that the page will turn up in the near future in the Internet Archive, which deliberately lags by six months or more. Note also that whilst many printed sources become outdated, scholars still routinely cite those works when referenced.
- Additionally, you're missing the obvious link - the Orientation video explicitly said it was copyright "The Hanso Foundation". How do you think viewers found the website? Mr Friendly didn't even mention "The Hanso Foundation", he just quoted material on the website. 11:05, 2 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Mr. Friendly
Who is Mr. Friendly?
- Mr. Friendly is one of the Others. Sawyer referred to him as Zeke at one point. He had a rather long conversation with a few of the survivors.Coffeeboy 19:41, 27 February 2006 (UTC)
Did anyone else pick up on the fact that Mr Friendly quoted Hanso? - "Somebody a whole lot smarter than anybody here once said "Since the dawn of our species, Man has been blessed with curiosity". You know the other one about curiosity don't you Jack?" So I was wondering on the provenance of the quote... Wowlookitsjoe 03:05, 14 March 2006 (UTC)
[edit] accessing website
In Active Projects->Electromagnetism there is an easer egg or secret section - you have to give password to get to does anyone else have problems accessing i'm using IE 6 (and 7 beta) and i haven't been able to go to the website for a long time. is the site down or is it just something wrong with my comp?
I have never been able to access it with Firefox (or any other for that matter) browser. Wowlookitsjoe 03:09, 14 March 2006 (UTC)
- Neither my IE nor my Firefox could ever connect to the site. However you can check the new site out: -which links to the video and a LOGIN page. Orientation video new link: Darth Kevinmhk 11:15, 15 March 2006 (UTC)
Apparent, site is gone-- see comments above. Note that is not an ABC-sponsored site; it is a fan site, and therefore inappropriate to use as the basis of this article. Thus, I propose that this be mereged into Dharma Initiative--LeflymanTalk 19:34, 15 March 2006 (UTC)
- In the official podcast dated 3.28.06 the executive producers state that the site is being revamped and will be up by summer. Coffeeboy 16:29, 4 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] UK Advert
there was an advert on in the uk for the hanso foundation, with a free-phone number 0800666640
a recording of a call to the number is here[2]
Further to the anonymous addition above, I phoned the number that was broadcast on the advert after the E4 episode aired. All I got was a message saying that the line has had to be closed, and then directed me to the new website for more info. Dissonant Unity 00:37, 3 May 2006 (UTC)
- I phoned the number stated above just after the advert was broadcast in the middle of the E4 episode on 2/5/06. The number was engaged at the first two attempts and then on the third attempt I got through and had the option to press number 1, 2, etc for different options. I pressed number 1 for 'general information' and heard what sounded like nonsense, possibly from foreign languages. But yes I can confirm that calling the number now does just get through to a message saying line closed, etc. Joe 1987 00:46, 3 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Trouble accessing website
I've cleared my cache multiple times, reinstalled Macromedia Flash, restarted my computer, and refreshed multiple times, but nothing seems to work - I can't access the (new, May 2nd) Hanso Foundation website at all. I have an excellent internet connection and a fine computer, but I cannot access the website (I have the latest IE version, FYI). I keep getting the infamous "The page cannot be displayed" error message. Does any computer-savvy person have any idea why this would be happening?
[edit] Australian Freecall Number
I have a More in-depth series of recordings of the recent Australian version of the Hanso Foundation phone number (1800227717) here [3] but I would prefer if it was hosted elsewhere. --Lemming2005 12:51, 4 May 2006 (UTC)
- Maybe you can upload it to wikimedia commons? (see at the bottom of the wikipedia main page). Joe 1987 17:11, 4 May 2006 (UTC)
The code on this site ("106 98 111 32 117 98 115 32 114 115 110 102 32 102 118 32 102 118 101 71 32 49 32 108 110 90 32 116 117 98 46 83 69 71 32 103 110 32 111 118 32 116 98 73") appears to be ASCII, given the repeated occurance of 32 (ASCII space character). Which means it says (unless I messed up the translation) "jbo ubs rsnf fv fveG 1 lnZ tub.SEG gn ov tbI". What does that mean? Who knows...
- rnicoll, 22:05 UTC, 5th May 2006
- Well, if you reverse that and ROT13 it, you get "Vog ib at TRF.ohg May 1 Tris is safe foh bow", which could be "Got in at May 1 This is safe for now". But I digress. I think we should keep developments of the Lost Experience ARG on the Lost Experience page, and leave this page simply to document facts about the Hanso foundation, its members and the basics of its website, and an introduction of the ARG. I don't want to tell people what to write, but there's a lot of energy going into Lost pages and it would be nice to have it focused on writing new things into the right articles, rather than duplicating, cutting, moving, etc. things between articles. 22:48, 5 May 2006 (UTC)
The URL now only displays the number 2. -- 05:16, 30 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Vík, Iceland
The following sentence was added to the article Vík í Mýrdal (which is an Icelandic village):
Vik Is Also Supposedly A Research Center For The Fictional Hanso Foundation In The TV Series Lost.
I can't find any mentioning of that sort in this article so I removed it, put back if it is actually true. --Bjarki 15:39, 9 May 2006 (UTC)
- Ah under the "Mental Health Appeal" section of the website one can find a description of the VIK institute, the "flagship clinic". --Bjarki 15:56, 9 May 2006 (UTC)
Could it be worth mentioning that when you enter the "wrong" code on the website, it gets the Wikipedia entry on the word? Jon Harald Søby 18:57, 11 June 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Merging sponsor sites
The list of sponsor sites on this page was, for all purposes, a duplicate of the more detailed info on Lost Experience. I've merged any extra info bits and kept a bare-bones list of the sites here. Arru 11:42, 17 June 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Where did this information come from?
Maybe I missed something, but I've never heard of Tom (Mr. Friendly) referred to as "Mr. Temme." Phoenix Song 22:36, 8 July 2006 (UTC)
Also, where did the following information come from? This doesn't sound very accurate. If it is, it needs to be rewritten, because it makes no sense. Here's what I'm talking about: He was the ingenious person that brought and the natural born (rodent) killer that we have all come to love. He was born a long long time ago in a land that was named "Prince Rock". Under great strain Vince managed to overcome his peers and create the force that surrounds him. At the end of his life Vince fought for what was wrong rather than what was right and his funeral was attended by thousands. In an Epitaph by someone that (maybe) knew Vince said "what a wanker". There in lies the person that is "a wanker" Phoenix Song 22:40, 8 July 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Metafiction problem
There's a problem with using info from the Lost Experience in this article. According to Rachel, Lost (the TV show) exists within the Lost Experience and The Hanso foundation is fictionally represented on the TV show because the real Hanso Foundation paid ABC to include it in a positive light. This article explains what I'm saying a little better. --TorriTorriTalk to me! 02:18, 28 September 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Foundation
Has anyone thought about Asimov's Foundation Trilogy (as was - lots more now) with regard to its "charismatic founder, Hari Seldon"? The science of psychohistory, predicting future events by extrapolating from historic trends, has its origins here. Ultimately, Seldon and his team are exiled to Terminus, to work on The Encyclopaedia Galactica, which will contain the sum of all human knowledge. The Empire which exiles Seldon et al is described by him as having "lost all the virility it once has." The mayor of Terminus is Salvor Hardin. Any thoughts, anyone?--Irony29 18:36, 17 November 2006 (UTC)
[edit] A bit of trivia
The Hanso Foundation website contained information about an orangutan named Joop. In the Jules Verne novel "The Mysterious Island" Joop (short for Jupiter) was an orangutan adopted as a pet and mascot by the colonists/castaways. A hidden benefactor drove Joop's fellow orangutans from the castaway's cave home when the castaways had left to explore the island. A nice little nod to Mr Verne's work, especially considering some of the plot similarities. Bryanthebeachboy1970 14:50, 20 January 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Fictional foundation!
The article should clearly state that the Hanso Foundation is a fictional part of the LOST TV series, not a real foundation with real people standing behind it. The article should not sound like an article or "fansite" on the fictional character Hanso, rather a description of the fictional foundation and its part in LOST. What role does it actually play in LOST? What is special about it? Those questions make more sense to the reader than a discussion on its "official website", which is also part of fiction.