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The abbreviation HC may refer to:
- Haute Couture
- Aero-Tropics Air Services IATA airline designator
- Hydrocarbon
- Hardcore
- High Cube containers used in shipping
- Helicopter, as noted in the Commodore 64 computer game,
- Falcon Patrol II
- The Heineken Cup
- Home Coming Dance
- Hospitality Club, the hospitality exchange network
- Harmony Central, a musician's community website
- Holy Cross Regional High School, a private Catholic high school in Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
- In neurology, Head Circumference
- HC Encoder is a freeware MPEG-2 encoder developed by Hank315. It offers quality comparable to commercial alternatives and the development has a strong focus on DVD compliancy.
- HC, a pen name for the author of the stream of consciousness metafictional novel MFU.
HC also denotes coercivity
- H.c is an abbreviation for hermitian conjugation
- h.c. can also mean Honoris causa
- A non profit organization called HumanCooperation
- Handicapped accessible hotel/motel room
- HC is a postal abbreviation for "Highway Contract Route"