Talk:Heavenly Creatures
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- See also angel, god.?
Can someone who has seen this more recently than I comment? I don't remember an angel in the film, or much play with religion, but I saw the film about 3 years ago and have seen hundreds since. I took the title to be ironic. Koyaanis Qatsi
- Absolutely not relevant to the movies, and 'heavenly creatures' is not an expected entry point for those subjects.
I would just like to add some comments that I think might be pertinent and worthwhile. I would like also someone who could be bothered to comment critically on the comments I make. Perhaps even I would suggest that the person responsible for writing or editing the main article on the film might see fit or not as the case may be to add my points. I loved the euphemistic way that the writer of the article described the relationship of the two girls. The use of the term "close friends". Now while I must admit, that I havn't actually seen the film recently so I'm relying on my memory stores but I think my memory might be serving me well, when I say that by the use of the euphemistic terms "close friends" the author probably being as neutral as possible used these words rather than the word describing the relationship as lesbian. Now I don't think that euphemism is necessarily "neutral language"-it in fact could be construed as a form of propaganda coming under perhaps the field of omission. Saying "close friends" is not really accurate and indeed is actually misleading and degenerate and pejorative of the term friend. In my book and a lot of other people's books close friend except being "euphemistic" has no sexual content. Being euphemistic leaves the interpretation of the text open to possible misunderstanding and misrepresentation. This text could lead people to believe that the two girls were in fact good friends and not lovers. In truth they were. Is the truth important or is keeping up appearances under the cloak of "neutral " language acceptable, wanted, desirous, necessary? Why in this day and age where supposedly in the majority of Anglo-Saxon and Western countries where it is considered legal to be a lesbian is there this hesitancy resulting in euphemism probably trying to be neutral coming from? I also love the way the author continues to put together in the same vein and the same juxtaposed thought referencing, the fact of this relationship and the girls continually spiralling down into a world of fantasy. Now while in the film I must admit that they did live in and perpetuate and even egg each other on into more and more irreality (which is fantasy is it not?) I wonder whether this can be seen as more evidence of the mainstream heterosexuals who deem anything they don't understand or disagree with as being "not serious" "frivolous" and quite frankly from this text "of the fantastic (related to fantasy)".
Another point that I would like to make is that of all the 7 major types of plot you can ever have in a story this is essentially another take on the Romeo and Juliet level even if a bit obscure and "scratching for straws", as my detractors might say but I obviously don't because I bothered to mention it. The two girls were if not properly in love and who can judge but the subject because love is subjective and they were like in Romeo and Juliet prevented from seeing each other and this prevention like in R and J lead to death or a lot of death as in R and J.
I also don't quite know the protocol for submitting text. Do you have to put your name and can you remain anonymous?
I also agree with the comment possibly made by the person in charge of the site that said in response to the person above whose argument was I think that they thought there was enough "God, angel" stuff in the film, (obviously the title helped), to put a link to angels or God. I agree with the person in charge of the site that there is not enough evidence (cogent, pertinent, and relevant that is, to the subject) to link this film in any way to sites about angels, religion or god.
- I'm very sick of hearing people refer to heterosexuals as "homophobes". I hate, absolutely HATE that term and wish it would go obsolete. "Heterosexuals deem anything they don't understand as 'not serious', frivolous'". What a misinformed thing to say! There may be some "intolerance" here, but I certainly can't see what is wrong with the right kind of relationship. Homosexuals deem anything that they don't understand or don't agree with as "intolerant" or "arrogant". A sexual relationship should be between a man and a woman, not between a man and a man or a woman and a woman. Scorpionman 23:05, 9 February 2006 (UTC)
- What are you talking about? Who suggested this? When? Where?
- And yes, you are intolerant. It may be your view that there is a 'right' kind of relationship, but your failure to accept other relationships is, by definition, intolerant. I need waste no more time on this. -- Ec5618 01:38, 11 February 2006 (UTC)
- There should be no other relationships. And you are intolerant of those who are intolerant of homosexuality, so you might as well not call anybody "intolerant" until you become tolerant yourself. And frankly, you might as well not waste any more time on this, because it's pointless. Scorpionman 01:35, 14 February 2006 (UTC)
- I never said I was intolerant of intolerance. I merely pointed out that you are intolerant. And technically, I don't think that even objecting to intolerance is intolerance in itself. Still, indeed, pointless. You're objecting to ficticious commentary. -- Ec5618 08:13, 14 February 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Pictures please?
Since I don't know how to add pictures to Wikipedia, could someone please find some screen caps from the film, that aren't copyright and post them on the page to imporve it. Thanks Movie-lover93 04:17, 29 July 2006 (UTC)