Henry House Hill
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Henry House Hill is a location near Bull Run Creek in Virginia. It is named for the house of the Henry Family which sits atop it. It was one of the important sites of the battles of First and Second Manassas (or Bull Run). During the first Battle of Bull Run, General Thomas Jackson and his Confederate soldiers had taken up positions on Henry House Hill. General Irwin McDowell commander of Federal forces had been ordered by Abraham Lincoln to engage against a large Rebel force that was led by General P.G.T Beauregard in an effort to end the US Civil War early. Union soldiers had been ordered up the hill. Under huge amounts of enemy fire the southerners held the federal soldiers with heavy losses. Bouregard said to his men Look at his men, they are standing like stonewalls! That nickname stuck to Jackson. In the retreat from the hills a Union wagon tipped over on Cub Run Bridge blocking the Federal retreat so the undisciplined volunteers dropped they're rifles and ran. Jackson was wounded at the Battle of Chancellorville by friendly fire by one of his own men who mistook him for Union cavalry. He died of pneumonia while recovering from the wound.