Hero Honda Karizma
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Hero Honda Karizma is a 223 cc, 17 bhp sports tourer bike manufactured in India. It runs a softly tuned, destressed engine which produces 17 bhp out of 223 cc's. The engine RPM is limited up to 8000 rpm which takes the bike up to 125 km/hr , even though the engine is capable of taking it to speeds upto 160 km/hr.
The visual clues suggest that the styling has been heavily influenced by the Honda VFR.
Contrary to speculation there was another version/earlier version of the bike which develops 21 bhp and touches 147 kmph, There has been no changes to the bike since the date it was introduced, other than decals and stricter emission control.
The bike has a single 274mm single disc upfront and 130mm drums in the rear. compared to other contemperory Indian bikes, it has a digital fuel indicator and odometer with a clock. The bike has Electric Start (ES)as a default option. It comes with factory fitted Black alloy rims, which unfortunately does not come with the earlier quality they were known for.every single bike which rolls out these days comes out with dead weights attached to the rims.