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Hexapla (Gr. for "sixfold"), the term for an edition of the Bible in six versions, and especially the edition of the Old Testament compiled by Origen, which placed side by side:
- Hebrew
- Hebrew transliterated into Greek characters
- Aquila of Sinope
- Symmachus the Ebionite
- Septuagint
- Theodotion
The original work is now lost, but the fragments have been collected in several editions, most recently by that of Frederick Field (1875).
The fragments are now being re-edited (with additional materials discovered since Field's edition) by an international group of Septuagint scholars. This work is being carried out as The Hexapla Project [1] under the auspices of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies [2], and directed by Peter J. Gentry (The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary)[3], Alison G. Salvesen (Oxford University)[4], and Bas ter Haar Romeny (Leiden University)[5].