High elves
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High elves are distinguished from other fantasy elves by their place of living, as they usually dwell in stone cities, instead of woods, like wood-elves. High elves and dark elves can be used to contrast respectively the good elves and the evil elves, as done in Warhammer. High elves could never be evil. Typically high elves consider themselves the most purely good race of all, and view all other races beneath them, especially lower elves, and they are usually the most magically developed of all elves.
Many fantasy worlds have High Elf races:
- Calaquendi are the High Elves in J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings
- The High Elves are a race in Warhammer Fantasy
- Eldar of Warhammer 40,000 present a science-fictional aspect to the High Elf concept.
- High Elves or 'Quel'Dorei' are the pale-skinned descendants of magic-addicted Night Elves in the Warcraft Universe that were exiled from Kalimdor. They are the predecessors of the militant Blood Elves.
- In the Elder Scrolls universe, High Elves - or Altmer - the golden-skinned elves from Summerset Isles, are noted for their pride and arrogance as well as their potent magic.
- In Everquest, they are very proud and arrogant, developed for magic instead of combat.