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Himanka (Himango in Swedish) is a municipality of Finland.
It is located in the province of Western Finland and is part of the Central Ostrobothnia region. The municipality has a population of 3,143 and covers an area of 255.27 km2 of which 1.63 km2 is water. The population density is 12.3 inhabitants per km2.
The municipality is unilingually Finnish.
The main products of the area include farm products and fox and mink furs. There is also some wood and plastics product design and manufacturing.
The oldest part of the central Himanka is called Raumankari. At the hearth of Himanka is the river Lestijoki.
The villages of Ainali, Hillilä, Himankakylä, Pahkala, Pernu, Pöntiö, Rautila, Saarenpää, Tomujoki, Torvenkylä, and Hillilä belong to the municipality.
[edit] Further reading
Ahti Pöyhtäri and Olavi Himanka wrote a book called "Himanka, Ratkaisun vuodet" about the history of Himanka in the wars of 1917-1918, 1939-1940, and 1941-1945. Published in 1990 by Himangan sotaveteraanit, Sotainvalidien veljesliiton Himangan osasto. ISBN 952-90-1628-X
Photographic pictures taken by Risto Tuorila from various places in Himanka was published in the year 2000 by Lestijokilaakson Kirjapaino. ISBN 951-97460-5-6
Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko wrote about the history of the Harbor of Himanka in his book called "Himangan sataman historia" published by Gummerus Oy in 1984. ISBN 951-99567-9-4
Anni Kohtala and Maija Märsylä have arranged news paper clippings and other material provided by shipper Sakari Pöyhtäri into a book about the history of Himanka, which was published by Himangan Kotiseutuyhdisys in 1979. ISBN 951-99206-9-2
Teuvo Tuorila has written a book about history of the school system in Himanka from 1876-2001. Published by Art-Print Oy, Kokkola 2001. ISBN 952-91-3625-0
Ahti Pöyhtäri has written the history of religious movement based on Laestadian Lutheranism. The name of the publication is "Himangan Rauhanyhdistyksen Historiaa 100-vuotiselta taipaleelta." Publisher is Himangan Rauhan Sana r.y. 1994. ISBN 952-90-6048-3
Pekka Tuorila has written "Kotiseudun Kaikuja", a compilation book which includes council documents from Raumankari townhouse, three plays, few stories and more additional amusements from years past. Published by KL-Paino, Ylivieska, 2004. ISBN 952-91-7092-0
[edit] External links
Himanka has her own website at http://www.himanka.fi