Homonoia (Greek goddess)
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Homonoia was the Greek goddess of concord, unanimity, and oneness of mind. She was sometimes numbered amongst the goddesses named Praxidicae (Exacters of Justice), who were said to be daughters of an early Theban king named Ogygus. As such Homonoia was probably closely identified with the Theban goddess-queen Harmonia (Harmony). Her opposite number was Eris (Strife).
[edit] References
"Next [at Olympia] come an altar of Homonoia (Concord), another of Athena, and the altar of the Mother of the Gods (Metros Theon)." - Pausanias, Description of Greece, 5.14.9.
"Mnaseas in his treatise On Europe says that Soter (Saviour) and his sister Praxidike (Exacter of Justice) had a son Ktesios (Household) and daughters Homonoia (Concord) and Arete (Virtue), who were called Praxidicae (Exacters of Penalties) after their mother." - Suda, "Praxidike."