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The Horseshoe or Ponyshoe is a dish that seems only to be known at restaurants in central Illinois. It could be said even only in the central portion of central Illinois. A horseshoe consists of two pieces of toast next to each other, a hamburger placed on each piece of toast, and topped with cheese fries. A ponyshoe is the same but with only one piece of toast and one hamburger. The hamburger can be substituted with a number of other meats including but not limited to pork chops, buffalo chicken, turkey, or bacon.
The Horseshoe originated in Springfield. Wayne's Red Coach Inn claims to have invented the Horse shoe. The belief is the chef who invented the horseshoe, started Wayne's after he had invented it. A new Irish pub D'arcys Pint has given the Horseshoe national presence on several Americana shows with its signature white cheddar cheese sauce.