Hotel Lubuskie (Short Play)
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Hotel Lubuskie Characters: James Harrison – Vladimir the manager, James smith – Derk Hammond the butler, Jamie Creech - Jean Pierre the French tourist, Jean Carlo – Christian Gonzales the Latin tourist, Amy Fisher – Janie Ford The American tourist, ZaraBeth Shelly – Averill Jones the English tourist. Plot: Scene 1 begins with Vladimir introducing the play. He then walks through the closed curtains and takes a seat as curtains open. In the main office, Vladimir talks to Derk who is standing besides him. Vladimir tells Derk to be on his best behaviour and not to let any of last times mistakes happen again, or else. Four European Backpackers walk in and introduce them selves and say they had made a previous reservation, Vladimir welcomes them and introduces Derk and tells him to take them and their bags to their rooms and points in the direction they should go. Derk and the others go off stage and leaves Vladimir mumbling to himself alone. Curtains close to begin next scene. Scene 2 begins with Derk leading the tourists down a corridor very slowly, which doesn’t go down to well with Christian who mutters to the others an inappropriate comment about Derk, which is overheard. Moments later Derk tells every one but Christian to go down the hall and wait while he shows Christian his room. Christian Tells Derk to hurry up then mumbles something loudly under his breath in Spanish. Derk then comes up from behind and chokes Christian with a wire, then drags his body off. Curtains close and re-open with the 3 remaining backpackers talking about how excited they are about the trip they intend to embark on. Jean Pierre begins to flirt with the girls in a friendly way asking questions about their relationship status, finding out that Janie is single he begins to flirt more with her, and she reciprocates which Averill doesn’t like and tells him to be a Gentleman. Derk walks on slowly with a menacing grin on his face and proceeds to show them to their rooms. Noticing that Averill looks upset, he tries to cheer her up, and fails miserably, and says I’ll give you something to be unhappy about. Every one walks off stage and curtains close at the end of scene 2. Scene 3 begins in Janie’s room with her sitting down brushing her hair, talking to herself about Jean Pierre, then hears a knock at the door which makes her jump, and she asks whose there, Jean Pierre walks in and says hello beautiful, and makes up and excuse to spend the night in her room, she giggles and lets him, they hug and curtains close. Curtains open with Averill in her room writing in her journal, only to have Derk walk in. she jumps up and says in a negative way “what are you doing here” and he reminds her that he would give her something to be sad about and pulls out a knife and walks up to her as she screams and stabs her, she begs him to stop and he punches her in the jaw, killing her. Curtains close and open with Vladimir in his room trying to sleep calling in Derk. Moments pass and he calls again and Derk walks in and asks what’s wrong. Vladimir questions him on why he didn’t come right away, and Derk blames it on bad hearing, Vladimir hums and reminds Derk to behave. He then asks how the guests are, and Derk replies with an evil grin saying, there fine. Vladimir dismisses Derk and as he walks off curtains close. Scene 4 starts off with Vladimir sitting at the breakfast table waiting for the others to arrive, talking to himself. Christian walks on and says good morning, as does Averill. Vladimir asks them to sit and have food but they ignore him and walk by. Vladimir mumbles to himself and the rest walk on and take a seat and express their hunger, Derk joins them. Vladimir asks why the other two aren’t joining them and Derk nervously says that they are still sleeping; Vladimir hums and says that’s odd, but believes Derk. Janie and Jean flirt at the table and Derk laughs under his breath at them, they give him a dirty look and continue eating, Jean asks If there are any romantic places to take a beautiful lady near by, Vladimir talks about the forest nearby and tells Derk to show them this place, Derk agrees and leads them off stage. Leaving Vladimir alone, as Christian and Averill walk back on stage telling Vladimir to be careful, they walk off in the same direction in which they came. Vladimir stands up and walks to the back curtain, as he walks, the main curtains close. Scene 5 begins with Jean and Janie walking around arms linked and commenting on how beautiful the area is. Derk says he has had many a peaceful walk here and they give him another dirty look. Derk pulls out a gun and tells them that they need to cheer up, Jean steps in front of Janie and declares his short-lived love and tells her to flee, as she does he walks towards Derk and says kill me then. Derk shoots the gun and runs in the same direction as Janie. Curtains close and open showing the main office and Vladimir doing paperwork, humming a song. Janie runs in and tells him what happened, Vladimir stand up and gets out a gun and a knife, gives the knife to Janie and tells her that she’ll be safe in her room. They run of stage in different directions. Curtains close and open showing Janie sitting in her room looking scared holding the knife tightly in her hand, Christian, Averill and Jean walk on from different directions and stand still facing different directions. Averill and Christian whisper “its not safe” 3 times and walk off. Jean tells Janie to join him in death and be safe and walks off. Janie cuts her throat. Curtains close at end of scene. Scene 6, Curtains open with Vladimir looking for Derk. He says to himself, the cellar. Close curtains and open in the cellar with the bodies sitting in chairs dead and Derk standing behind them smiling, Vladimir walks on out of breath through the back curtain and asks Derk why. Derk says that they weren’t truly happy and faces away from Vladimir and apologizes, Vladimir says sorry and shoots Derk in the head, and Derk falls to the floor. Vladimir walks to the front of the stage and ends the play, he walks off and curtains close.