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[edit] Introduction
HoudahSpot is a desktop search application for the Mac. You may compare it to the Windows only Google Desktop.
Technically speaking, HoudahSpot is a user-friendly frontend to Apple's Spotlight. It caters equally to the novice or casual user who wants to harness the power of Spotlight as to the technically inclined geek.
[edit] Benefits
HoudahSpot allows you to zero in on files. Fast. A new HoudahSpot document presents itself as a simple form with commonly used criteria. You can fill in the form at your leisure. Search only starts when you are ready.
The default criteria allow for powerful customization. There is a myriad of criteria you may add to your query. You may also restrict your search to certain locations or file types. Criteria can be combined using boolean operators. And you are only getting started...
Where HoudahSpot really shines is when it comes to displaying search results. HoudahSpot uses a plain, concise and sortable list view. Add to that a generously sized file preview, a detailed file inspector and a browser taking you to neighboring files.
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