Hyderabad Mass Rapid Transit System
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[edit] Consultancy assignment structure
Government of Andhra Pradesh (GoAP) has been exploring the viability and suitability of various efficient, economical and environment friendly mass transit systems for the Hyderabad city travel needs.
The main objective of the proposed consultancy services is to provide services as Owner’s Consultant who will assist GOAP in finalizing the Viability Gap Funding, the RFP document, Bid process management, pre-Proposals meetings, evaluation, selection of Developer(s), finalisation of documentation, validation of DPR submitted by the select Developer(s) and assistance during financial closure. The duration of the Consultancy Assignment is expected to be about 12 months. GoAP would pay the consultancy fees for the assignment as per the financial proposal accepted by it and on such terms and conditions as contained herein. The payment schedule shall be based on the milestones as given in Form 1 of Exhibit 7 Cover 3 – Format for Financial Offer. The payment of the Consultancy Fees shall be for the Scope of Work mentioned in this RFP and will be milestone driven and shall remain unchanged till all the deliverables as mentioned in this RFP Document are submitted by the Consultant Firm. In the event there is an in-ordinate delay in submission of the deliverables as mentioned in this RFP by the Consultant Firm due to the factors beyond the control of the Consultant Firm, a review will be taken-up by GOAP with the Consultant Firm and suitable extension of time without any additional payment of Consultancy Fees to the Consultant Firm may be granted by GOAP. However GOAP may approve additional man-months in case of change of scope of work which may be mutually agreeable between the Consultant Firm and GOAP. The man-month rates quoted by the Consultant Firm in their RFP submissions shall be the once adopted for such additional payment. The additional man-months and the Out of pocket expenses for such change of scope will be mutually negotiated and finalised between GOAP and the Consultant Firm.
[edit] Implementing agency
Project Director, MMTS (Government of Andhra Pradesh) would be the employer for the consultancy firm.
[edit] Background
As it is well known, a good traffic and transportation infrastructure is one of the pre-requisites for the survival, competitiveness, and livability of a city. Hyderabad, the capital of Andhra Pradesh, is one of the fastest growing metropolitan areas in the country. With a population of about 7 million and considerable floating population, the city is grappling with increasing traffic congestion due to fast growing IT, ITES, pharma, and various other manufacturing and business activities. Lack of an efficient, reliable and comfortable Public Transportation System (PTS) is resulting in rapid growth of personalized vehicles (1.8 million vehicles, with an addition of 0.2 million per annum), leading to frequent traffic jams and higher pollution levels in the city. Out of the 7.0 million motorized trips that are made in the city every day, only 40% (2.8 million trips) are by PTS (mostly by buses run by APSRTC, a Govt of AP owned company) and there is a need to take this share to 70% mainly by creation of Mass Rapid Transit System (MRTS). Concerned about the fast deteriorating traffic position and increasing pollution levels, Government of Andhra Pradesh recently constituted a Seven Member Committee of Senior Officers belonging to different departments to evolve a Comprehensive Transportation Strategy and submit a road map for strengthening the Public Transportation System and other measures to solve the traffic problems of Hyderabad metropolitan area. Further, in the light of some international consortia/companies along with their Indian partners coming forward to take up MRTS projects in the city on BOT basis on a commercial format, the Committee was also directed to examine the proposals and come up with specific recommendations. The Committee accordingly examined the proposals/presentations (which are basically at a preliminary level), perused the various traffic studies available for Hyderabad and observed that the busy traffic corridors (especially in the core area) of about 150 kms have become prone to frequent traffic jams and that there is a need to develop MRTS on these routes in a phased manner. The Committee recommended immediate development of MRTS on BOT basis on the following 3 corridors in phase-I:
- Miyapur – Chaitanyapuri - 26 kms. (Approximate)
- Secunderabad – Falaknuma - 13 kms. (Approximate)
- Tarnaka – Panjagutta – Hitec City - 20 kms. (Approximate)
- Total - 59 kms (Approximate)
- Total - 59 kms (Approximate)
GoAP have accepted the recommendations of the committee and MRTS on these routes has since been made an integral part of the Traffic & Transportation Master Plan for Hyderabad metropolitan area, which envisages, inter alia, creation of link/parallel roads, MMTS, construction of flyovers, bridges over Musi river, ROBs/RUBs, FOBs, Junction improvements, development of parking facilities etc. Detailed Project Report is available (conducted by Delhi Metro Rail Corporation) for the first 2 corridors mentioned above, viz., 1). Miyapur – Chaitanyapuri; and 2). Secunderabad – Falaknuma. Since no DPR has been prepared for the third corridor, Tarnaka – Panjagutta – Hitec City (which has now become a very important and congested traffic corridor due to development of IT/ ITES sector), DPR has since been undertaken by DMRC, which will be completed in about two months. GoAP is in the process of identifying some government lands along these corridors for location of the station buildings, terminals, depots etc., and for real estate development thereon to improve the viability of the BOT projects. Since these are long gestation projects, it is expected that viability gap funding would become necessary to make them attractive, implementable and sustainable. Updation/validation of the traffic projections made in the DPR prepared by DMRC needs to be done to assess the revenue streams and the viability gap funding requirements more realistically.
Image:Hyd sec mrts.JPGProposed Hyderabad MRTS Route
==Assignment scope ==
The objective of appointing the Owner’s Consultant is to develop a comprehensive BOT based Infrastructure Project and its attendant technical, legal, commercial and financial guidance documents, to assist GoAP in the selection of concessionaire(s) by adopting appropriate mechanisms for the project. GoAP also expects the assistance in negotiation, finalisation and execution of the Concession Agreement and Concession Implementation till the Financial Closure of the project.
To accomplish the assignment, the selected consultant firm shall have requisite technical, financial and legal competency, competent personnel, working capital, modern equipment etc., Such firm shall set up its office at Hyderabad. A senior level person who is designated as Team Leader of the team proposed and also other important personnel involved in the assignment as per the requirement to be decided in consultation with the Project Director shall be stationed in this office at Hyderabad.
[edit] Conformity to standards
The Selected Consultant Firm for accomplishing the assignment shall conform to the local laws & rules and standards concerning the following: • The Design and layout of the track structure and stations ; traction, power supply, air-conditioning and ventilation systems, rolling stock signalling system, automatic fare collection mechanism etc., for the elevated MRTS and other relevant issues. • Other restrictions and standards concerning Elevated MRTS operations. • Energy efficient systems for the stations and other buildings, rolling stock, electric traction, air-conditioning and ventilation and other operations.
Source: RFP for MRTS, Municipal Administration & Urban Development Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh