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Hypholoma capnoides is an edible mushroom which like its poisonous or suspect relatives H. fasciculare ("Sulphur Tuft") and H. sublateritium ("Brick Caps") grows in tufts on old tree stumps. Anyone thinking to eat this mushroom needs to be able to distinguish it from the much commoner Sulphur Tuft, which can be done by observing its greyish (as opposed to greenish) gill colour. It could also perhaps be confused with the deadly Galerina marginata or the good edible Kuehneromyces mutabilis.
[edit] Description
- Cap: Up to 6cm in diameter with yellow-to-orange-brownish or matt yellow colour.
- Gills: Pale grey at first, later darker purple/brown.
- Spore powder: Dark burgundy/brown.
- Stipe: Yellowish, somewhat rust-brown below.
- Taste: Mild (other Hypholomas mostly have a bitter taste).
[edit] Reference
Mostly taken from the German page.