नागौर जिला
विकिपीडिया, एक मुक्त ज्ञानकोष से
ये लेख अपनी प्रारम्भिक अवस्था में है, यानि कि एक आधार है। आप इसे बढाकर विकिपीडिया की मदद कर सकते है।
नागौर भारतीय राज्य राजस्थान का एक जिला है ।
जिले का मुख्यालय नागौर है ।
क्षेत्रफल - वर्ग कि.मी.
जनसंख्या - (2001 जनगणना)
साक्षरता -
एस. टी. डी (STD) कोड -
जिलाधिकारी -
समुद्र तल से उचाई -
अक्षांश - Nagaur District is situated between 260.25” & 270.40” North Latitude उत्तर
देशांतर - 730.10” & 750.15” East Longitude पूर्व
औसत वर्षा - मि.मी. About Nagaur District
Glorified by the bards, the history of Nagaur finds mention even in the Mahabharata. The kingdom of Ahichhatrapur which Arjun is said to have conquered and subsequently offered to his Guru Dronacharya, was perhaps some of the area of the Nagaur district. The birth place of Meera and Abul Fazal, Nagaur district has a charbhuja and Parsawanath Temple at Merta and the Dargah of Sufi Saint Tarkin at Nagaur city. Nagaur also witnessed the valour of Great Rao Amar Singh Rathor who challenged the mighty Mughal empire. The large old Fort has many glorious tales of bravery of the erstwhile rulers of the states.
Nagaur District is situated between 260.25” & 270.40” North Latitude & 730.10” & 750.15” East Longitude. It is situated amidst seven districts namely Bikaner, Churu, Sikar, Jaipur, Ajmer, Pali, Jodhpur. Nagaur is the fifth largest district in Rajasthan with a vast terrain spreading over 17,718 sq. K.M. Its geographical spread is a good combine of plain, hills, sand mounds & as such it is a part of the great Indian Thar Desert.
The present district of Nagaur finds a place in the heart of the Rajasthan state. If we draw a cross over the map of Rajasthan the centre of this cross is bound to fall in the district of Nagaur. Before the merger of the states, Nagaur was a part of the erstwhile Jodhpur State.
After indepenence, Nagaur had the honour of being selected as the place in the country from where the Democratic Decentralisation process was launched by the late Shri Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India on the 2nd October 1959.
The town of Ladnu in the district has gained its place on the map of the country being the headquarters of the famous 'Jain Vishwa Bharti' which has become a centre of spiritual learnings & knowledge under the leadership of Acharya Tulsi, a great Jain saint, who has propagated the philosophy of "ANUVRAT" in order to enlighten people in this area of the country.
The district comprises of 1536 Revenue Estates (Villages), out of which Merta, Deedwana, Makarana, Parbatsar and Kuchaman are the major towns of the district. The total area of the district is 17,718 sq. K.M., out of which 17,448.5 sq. K.M. is rural and 269.5 sq. K.M. is urban. As per the 2001 census, the population of the district is 27,75,058 (4,77,337 urban and 22,97,721 rural population) which is 4.91% of the total population of the State. The density of population in the district is 157, as against 165 of Rajasthan as a whole. 12,87,921 persons of the district are literate, out of which 10,21,314 are rural and 2,66,607 are urban, which makes it 57.28% of the total population. Out of this literate population 74.10% are males and 39.67% are females.
Climate & Rainfall
Nagaur has a dry climate with a hot summer. Sand storms are common in summer. The climate of the district is conspicuous by extreme dryness, large variations of temperature & highly variable rainfall. The mercury keeps on rising intensely from March till June. These are the hottest months. The maximum temperature recorded in district is 470 C with 00 C as the lowest recorded temperature. The average temperature of the district is 23.50 C. The winter season in the extends from mid November till the beginning of March. Rainy season is of a short during from July to mid September. There are ten raingage stations, namely - Nagaur, Khinvsar, Didwana, Merta, Parbatsar, Makarana, Nawa, Jayal, Degana & Ladnun in the district. The average rainfall in the district is 36.16 cm & 51.5 percentage humidity.
Forest, Flora & Faun
The district of Nagaur is poor in forest resources. The total area under including hills, is reported to be 221.41 Sq.kms., which is 1.2 percent of total geographical area of the district. Scanty rainfall & other geographical constraints account for this. The western part of the district is divided of natural vegetation cover except for low hurbs & grass which grows on low sand dunes. However, the south-eastern part of the district & part of the northern tehsil of Ladnun & Didwana have much greater greenery as compared to north-west part of the district. Khejri trees are commonly found in the district. It's leaves are used as fodder. It also gives gum. Apart from commercial value, this this tree is considered holy. The tree also plays an important role in checking soil crosion. The other common species found in the district are babul, neem, shisham, peepal, rohira, kalsi, dhangood, akara etc. Rohira & shisham trees provide timber & is used for making furniture. Dhangood is generally used for making cots. A common shrub-phog provides building material from its roots & twings. Common grass found in the district include bargers, bhambar etc.
Language spoken -
Hindi, English, Rajasthani.
District Statistics
Religion wise Percentage
Religion As per 1991 Census As per 2001 Census
Numbers Percentage (%) Numbers Percentage (%) Hindu 1867744 87.08 2399173 86.45 Muslim 259632 12.11 356405 12.84 Sikh 197 0.01 998 0.04 Jain 16743 0.77 17478 0.63 Critstian 312 0.02 570 0.02 Other 182 0.01 434 0.02 Total 2144810 100% 2775058 100%
Police Network
Rank Numbers
Superintendent of Police (S.P.) 1 Addl. Superintendent of Police (Addl.S.P.) 2 Deputy Superintendent of Police (Dy.S.P.) / C.O. 7 Police Inspector 9 Sub Inspector (S.I.) 49 Assistant Sub Inspector (A.S.I.) 90 Head Constable 124 Constable 1073 Police Thana 30 Police Chowkies 21
Hr.Secondary Schools (Govt. & Private) 184 Secondary Schools (Govt. & Private) 419 Upper Primary Schools (Govt. & Private) 1510 Primary Schools (Govt. & Private) 2800 School Lecturers 783 Second Grade Teachers 2873 Third Grade Teachers 9551
Description Numbers Hospitals / Dispensaries 18 Primary Health Centres 87 Sub Health Centres 601 Beds 1503 Ayurvedic Hospitals / Dispensaries 154 Homeopathic Hospitals 4 Yunani Hospitals 4
Family Welfare
Name of Scheme Numbers Sterilizations 5505 I.U.D. Insertions 7001 Nirodh users 5732 Oral Pill users 5935
Universal Immunisation Programme
Name of Scheme Numbers D.P.T. 40781 Polio 40781 B.C.G. 44061 Measles 41354 T.T. (Mothers) 47633
Social Welfare
Hostels Category Numbers SC 16 ST 1 Other 4 Students SC 625 ST 25 Other 170 Scholarship to Students ( Rs. in Lacs) 8.897
Description Numbers Consumers 257565 Electricity Consumed (MKV) 4739.94 Electrified Villages 1382 Electrified Wells 45113 Electrified Cities 10 400 KVA GSS 1 200 KVA GSS 5 (1 - In progress) 132 KVA GSS 20 (3 - In progress) 33 KVA Sub Stations 180 (3 - In progress) 33 KVA Line 2310.732 KM 11 KVA Line 14663.357 KM LT Line 12744.243 KM
Banking facilities
S.No. Name of Bank/Institution No. of Branches 1 United Commercial Bank (UCO Bank) 19 2 State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur 27 3 State Bank of India 4 4 Centra Bank of India 8 5 Panjab National Bank 2 6 Oriental Bank of Commerce 4 7 Bank of Baroda 1 8 Cenara Bank 1 9 Bank of Rajasthan 7 10 Jaipur Nagaur Anchlik Gramin Bank 56 11 Nagaur Central Cooperative Bank 15 12 Nagaur Bhumi Vikas Bank 4 13 Nagaur Unban Cooperative Bank 2 14 Rajathan Finance Corporation (R.F.C.) 2 15 Khadi Gramodyog Board (K.V.I.B.) 1
Communication Network
S.No. Category Numbers 1 Post Office 545 2 Telegraph Offices 2 3 Telephone Exchanges 168 4 Public Call Offices 1158
Road Network
S.No. Category of Road Length in Kms. 1 National Highway (N.H. No. 65 & 89) 321 2 B.T. Road 6059 3 Metal Road 115 4 Gravel Road 452 5 Kuchha Road 99
Total 6785
राजस्थान के जिले |
अजमेर जिला | अलवर जिला | उदयपुर जिला | करौली जिला | कोटा जिला | गंगानगर जिला(श्रीगंगानगर ) | चित्तौरगढ़ जिला | चुरू जिला |
जयपुर जिला | जालौड़ जिला | जैसलमेर जिला | जोधपुर जिला | झालावाड़ जिला | झुंझुनू जिला | टोंक जिला | दौसा जिला | धौलपुर जिला |
डूंगरपुर जिला | नागौर जिला | पाली जिला | बरन जिला | बांसवाड़ा जिला | बाड़मेर जिला | बूंदी जिला | भीलवाड़ा जिला | भरतपुर जिला |
बीकानेर जिला | राजसमन्द जिला | सवाई माधोपुर जिला | सिकार जिला | सिरोही जिला | हनुमानगढ़ जिला |
श्रेणियाँ: आधार | राजस्थान के जिले | शहर