Razgovor sa suradnikom:Dacxjo
Izvor: Wikipedija
Hi! Razumete engleski? I'm Italian and I began today to study your beautiful language. Can you tell me how to write these words please? The course I'm using is only audio.
- Sorry (something like "oprostite")
- Croatian language ("hrvatski")
- English language ("engleski")
- American ("Američki")
- I understand ("razumijem")
- you understand ("razumijete")
- a little ("malo")
- you are ("vi ste")
- do you understand...? ("da li razumijete...?")
- no ("ne")
- yes ("da")
Thank you! --Dacxjo 21:37, 29. svibnja 2006. (CEST) --Zeljko 21:46, 29. svibnja 2006. (CEST)
Jeste li vi Amerikanac ? ...Talijan Italian ...Bugarin Bulgarian ...Hrvat –Croat What are you tribe from?. Iz kojega ste plemena?
- thank you ("hvala") hvala (Hvar Island)
- hello! ("dobar dan")
- goodbye! ("doviđenja") Doviđenja (engl. just)
- so ("tako")
- well ("dobro")
- very ("vrlo") vrlo (Vicenza)
j =engl. Y (Year) dž or đ = j (John or James) c = Sp. ts (or tsunami ) š = eng. sh (shoes) č = engl. ch (Chibcha) lj = Sp. ll (llano) nj = Sp. ñ ž = zh (Zhukov or Zhdanov)
- where: gdje
- street: ulica
- city square: trg
- I speak: govorim
- you speak: govorite
- you're welcome (in response to hvala): molim
- here: ovdje
- there: tamo
- and: i
Where are you from?...odakle ste?
- good by ...zbogom
- What is your name... kako ti je ime
- about noon... oko podneva
- is your name n. n. ... dali je vaše ime n. n.
- yes sir... da, gospodine
- my brother... moj brat /male - moj/
- my sister... moja sestra /female - moja/
- what do you want... što želite
- my girlfriend... moja djevojka
- what time is it... koje je doba /koliko je sati/
- i am much obliged to you... mnogo sam vam dužan
--Zeljko 21:14, 1. lipnja 2006. (CEST)
- Jadranska ulica
- Sunđani trg ... Sunčani trg (č= engl ch or in italian 'cion' =čon, an Indian tribe)
- something: nešto
- I would like: htio bih
- you would like: htjeli biste
- we would like: htjeli bismo
- to drink: popiti
- to eat: pojesti
- I know: znam
- you know: znate
eat.... jedi drink... pi go.... idi Adriatic sea... Jadransko more island... otok Iceland (country)... Island --Zeljko 12:49, 2. lipnja 2006. (CEST)
- Sunčani trg = sunny square
- sun = sunce
- sunny = sunčan
- sunny day = sunčani dan
--Zeljko 13:23, 2. lipnja 2006. (CEST)
- at the restaurant: u restoranu
- I would like (woman): htjela bih; htio bih (man)
- gladly: rado
- also: također
- when: kada
- now: sada
- later: kasnije, 'poslije'
bravo, ok.
- tomorow... sutra
- Today....danas
- Next time ...sljedeći put
- where... gdje
- who... tko
- why... zašto
you have learned a good deal in this short time/ mnogo ste naučili u ovo kratko vrijeme. --Zeljko 17:25, 3. lipnja 2006. (CEST)
- htjela bih ... /female/
- htio bih ... /male/
- I would like: htio bih
- you would like: htjeli biste
- we would like: htjeli bismo
--Zeljko 20:27, 4. lipnja 2006. (CEST)
very good... she said 'htjela'... he said 'htio'
- yes sir, take the elevator, get off on the seventh floor, in room seven hundred and nine you will find the gentleman you are looking for. Da gospodine, uzmite uspinjaču, izađite na sedmi kat ('or' sprat), u sobi sedamsto-devet će te naći gospodina kojeg tražite. --Zeljko 00:38, 5. lipnja 2006. (CEST)
what?: što? I'd like to drink a glass of wine: htio bih popiti čašu vina beer: pivo where is the restaurant?: gdje je restoran? on Jadranska street: u Jadranskoj ulici
[uredi] Eighth lesson
Dobar dan, Željko! Today I learnt:
- to have lunch: ručati
- or: ili
- to do: raditi
- at the hotel: u hotelu
- to buy: kupiti
- with whom?: s kim?
- with you: s vama
Have I written them correctly? Hvala! --Dacxjo 22:14, 5. lipnja 2006. (CEST)
[uredi] Ninth lesson
Dobar dan, Željko! Today I learnt some numbers, too:
- Osječka ulica
- with me: sa mnom
- at one o'clock: u jedan
- nine: devet
- eight: osam
- two: dva
- Take a seat... izvolite sjesti.
- How are you ?… kako ste ?
- Good morning… dobro jutro
- What is your name… kako vam je ime (or) kako se zovete
- At three o'clock… u tri sata
- I will have to be home before midnight… prije ponoći moram stići kući.
- It is early yet… još je rano
--Zeljko 21:36, 6. lipnja 2006. (CEST)
Osijek is the biggest city in Slavonia, Osječko-Baranjska Županija, Croatia. --Zeljko 23:06, 6. lipnja 2006. (CEST)
- please repeat: molim ponovite
- what time is it?: koliko je sati?
- it's three: sada je tri
- four: četiri
- five: pet
- this evening: večeras
- to have dinner: večerati
Please answer all of the following questions.
- Is your name N. N.? …
- Yes Sir…
- Where do you came from?…
- Where do you intend to go?…
- Are you an American citizen?…
--Zeljko 20:30, 7. lipnja 2006. (CEST)