Phil Mulloy
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Phil Mulloy (Wallasey, Merseyside, Engleska), engleski animator. Najpoznatija mu je trilogija Netolerantnost 1,2,3 (2000.-2004.) o sukobu Zemljana i stanovnika planeta Zog.
[uredi] Filmografija
- Love Is Strange (2004.)
- Intolerance II: The Invasion (2001.)
- Intolerance (2000.)
- The Sexlife of a Chair (1998.)
- The Chain (1997.)
- The Ten Commandments Number 10: Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbour's Wife (1996.)
- The Ten Commandments Number 5: Thou Shalt Not Kill (1996.)
- The Wind of Changes (1996.)
- The Ten Commandments Number 2: Thou Shalt Not Commit Blasphemy (1995.)
- The Ten Commandments Number 3: Remember to Keep Holy the Sabbath Day (1995.)
- The Ten Commandments Number 4: Honour Thy Father and Thy Mother (1995.)
- The Ten Commandments Number 8: Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness (1995.)
- The Ten Commandments Number 9: Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbour's Goods (1995.)
- The History of the World Episode 1: The Discovery of Language (1994.)
- The Invention of Writing and Destruction (1994.)
- The Ten Commandments Number 1: Thou Shalt Not Adore False Gods (1994.)
- The Ten Commandments Number 6: Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery (1994.)
- The Ten Commandments Number 7: Thou Shalt Not Steal (1994.)
- The Sound of Music (1992.)
- Cowboys: High Noon (1991.)
- Cowboys: Murder! (1991.)
- Cowboys: Outrage! (1991.)
- Cowboys: Slim Pickin's (1991.)
- Cowboys: That's Nothin' (1991.)
- Cowboys: The Conformist (1991.)
- Possession (1991.)
- Tinfish (1990.)
- Through an Unknown Land (1986.)
- Mark Gertler: Fragments of a Biography (1981.)
- In the Forest (1978.)