Wobraz:Austria Bundesadler.svg
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Austria_Bundesadler.svg (730 × 780 pikselow, wulkosć dataje: 1,12 MB, družina MIME: image/svg+xml)
![]() | Tuta dataja pochadźa z centralneho, wjacerěčneho datajoweho archiwa Wikimedia Commons. Podawanja k žórłu a licency pod čerwjenej smužku su z orignalneho wopisanja dataje. |
Description |
Deutsch: Bundesadler von Österreich, Staatswappen.
English: Coat of arms of Austria, depicting the black eagle. Modified and uploaded by Gryffindor by permission from the ministry, confirmed thru email.
Slovenščina: državni grb Avstrije
Source |
Deutsch: Ursprüngliche Datei vom Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung [1], mehrfach ausgebessert auf den Wikimedia Commons.
English: Original file from the Austrian Federal Ministry of Defence, modified and changed multiple times since on the Wikimedia Commons.
Date |
Introduced in 1920, in modified form again in 1945. |
Author |
Original image from the Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung, modified since then. |
Permission |
Other versions |
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This is a featured picture on Wikimedia Commons. We believe it is one of the finest images on Commons. If you have an image of similar quality that can be published under a suitable copyright license, be sure to upload it, tag it, and nominate it. |
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This image was selected as a picture of the day for April 4, 2006. It was captioned as followed:
English: Coat of arms of Austria
Deutsch: Österreichisches Staatswappen
Français : Blason de l'Autriche.
Español: Escudo de armas de Austria
Alemannisch: Östrichischs Wappe mitm Hommer un Sichel
Česky: Státní znak Rakouska.
Deutsch: Österreichisches Staatswappen
English: Coat of arms of Austria
Español: Escudo de armas de Austria
Suomi: Itävallan vaakuna.
Français : Blason de l'Autriche.
Gaeilge: Armas na hOstaire
Magyar : Ausztria címere
Italiano: Stemma araldico Austriaco
日本語: オーストリアの国章
Nederlands: Wapenschild van Oostenrijk
Norsk (nynorsk): Det austerrikske riksvåpenet
Polski: Godło Austrii
Português: Brasão de armas da Áustria.
Русский: Герб Австрии
Српски / Srpski: Аустријски грб
Svenska: Österrikes statsvapen
ไทย: ตราแผ่นดินประเทศออสเตรีย
简体中文: 奥地利国徽
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