Janet Jackson-diszkográfia
A Wikipédiából, a szabad lexikonból.
Janet Jackson amerikai énekesnő diszkográfiája.
[szerkesztés] Albumok
- Janet Jackson (1982)
- Dream Street (1984)
- Control (1986)
- Control – The Remixes (remixalbum; 1987)
- More Control (remixalbum; 1987)
- Rhythm Nation 1814 (1989)
- janet. (1993)
- Janet.Remixed (1995)
- Design of a Decade 1986/1996 (válogatásalbum; 1995)
- The Velvet Rope (1997)
- All for You (2001)
- Damita Jo (2004)
- 20 Y.O. (2006)
[szerkesztés] Kislemezek
- Young Love (Janet Jackson, 1982)
- Say You Do (Janet Jackson, 1982)
- Come Give Your Love to Me (Janet Jackson, 1983)
- Don't Stand Another Chance (Dream Street, 1984)
- Two to the Power of Love (Dream Street, 1984)
- Fast Girls (Dream Street, 1984)
- Dream Street (kislemezen nem jelent meg, de klip készült hozzá)
- Start Anew (1985)
- What Have You Done for Me Lately (Control, 1986)
- Nasty (Control, 1986)
- When I Think of You (Control, 1986)
- Control (Control, 1986)
- Let's Wait Awhile (Control, 1987)
- Diamonds (1987)
- The Pleasure Principle (Control, 1987)
- Funny How Time Flies When You're Having Fun (Control, 1987)
- Making Love in the Rain (1987)
- Miss You Much (Rhythm Nation, 1989)
- Rhythm Nation (Rhythm Nation, 1989)
- Black Cat (Rhythm Nation, 1989)
- Alright (Rhythm Nation, 1989)
- Escapade (Rhythm Nation, 1990)
- Come Back to Me (Rhythm Nation, 1990)
- Love Will never Do (Without You) (Rhythm Nation, 1991)
- State of the World (Rhythm Nation, 1991)
- The Best Things in Life Are Free (1992)
- That's the Way Love Goes (janet., 1993)
- If (janet., 1993)
- Again (janet., 1993)
- Because of Love (janet., 1994)
- Any Time, Any Place (janet., 1994)
- Throb (janet., 1994)
- You Want This (janet., 1994)
- Whoops Now / What'll I Do (janet., 1994)
- Scream (1995)
- Runaway (Design of a Decade, 1995)
- Twenty Foreplay (Design of a Decade, 1996)
- Got 'til It's Gone (The Velvet Rope, 1997)
- Together Again (The Velvet Rope, 1997)
- Go Deep (The Velvet Rope, 1998)
- I Get Lonely (The Velvet Rope, 1998)
- Every Time (The Velvet Rope, 1998)
- You (The Velvet Rope, 1998)
- What's It Gonna Be?! (1998)
- Girlfriend / Boyfriend (1999)
- Ask For More (1999)
- Doesn't Really Matter (2000)
- All For You (All For You, 2001)
- Someone to Call My Lover (All For You, 2001)
- Son of a Gun (I Betcha Think This Song Is About You) (All For You, 2001)
- Feel It Boy (2002)
- Just A Little While (Damita Jo, 2004)
- All Nite (Don't Stop) / I Want You (Damita Jo, 2004)
- Call on Me (20 Y.O., 2006)
- So Excited (20 Y.O., 2006)
- Enjoy (20 Y.O., 2007)
- With U (20 Y.O., 2007)