Kép:Lake near Sunnig Grat summit.JPG
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Az előnézet mérete: 800 × 532 képpont
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[edit] Beschreibung
Description |
Deutsch: Landschaft mit See in der Nähe des Sunnig Grat im Canton Uri/Schweiz
English: Landscape with a lake in the near of the Sunnig Grat summit in the Canton of Uri/Switzerland
Français : Paysage avec lac pres du sommet de Sunnig Grat dans le canton d'Uri en Suisse
Source |
own work |
Date |
2006-09-16 |
Author | |
Permission |
see below |
Location |
46°47′5.85″N, 8°38′14″E (Map) |
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This is a featured picture on Wikimedia Commons. We believe it is one of the finest images on Commons. If you have an image of similar quality that can be published under a suitable copyright license, be sure to upload it, tag it, and nominate it. |
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This image has been assessed according to Quality images guidelines and is considered a Quality image. |
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This image was selected as a picture of the day for April 12, 2007. It was captioned as followed:
English: Landscape with a lake in the near of the Sunnig Grat summit in the Canton of Uri/Switzerland
Deutsch: Landschaft mit See in der Nähe des Sunniggrat im Kanton Uri, Schweiz
Français : Paysage avec lac dans les environs du sommet «Sunniggrat» («arête ensoleillée») dans le canton d'Uri (Suisse)
Español: Paisaje lacustre cercano a la cima del monte Sunnig Grat, en el Cantón de Uri, Suiza.
Беларуская: Высакагорнае возера ў кантоне Уры (Швейцарыя).
Česky: Vysokohorské jezero ve švýcarském kantonu Uri
Deutsch: Landschaft mit See in der Nähe des Sunniggrat im Kanton Uri, Schweiz
English: Landscape with a lake in the near of the Sunnig Grat summit in the Canton of Uri/Switzerland
Esperanto: Laga pejzaĝo ĉe supro de la monto Sunnig Grat en Kantono Urio (Svislando)
Español: Paisaje lacustre cercano a la cima del monte Sunnig Grat, en el Cantón de Uri, Suiza.
Français : Paysage avec lac dans les environs du sommet «Sunniggrat» («arête ensoleillée») dans le canton d'Uri (Suisse)
Magyar : Tájkép tóval Sunniggrat közelében, a svájci Uri kantonban
Italiano: Paesaggio lacustre presso la cima del monte Sunnig Grat, nel Cantone di Uri (Svizzera).
Polski: Krajobraz z jeziorem w pobliżu szczytu Sunnig Grat w kantonie Uri (Szwajcaria)
Русский: Пейзаж с озером рядом c местом проведения саммита на высшем уровне Sunnig Grat в кантоне Ури (Швейцария).
Slovenčina: Vysokohorské jazero v švajčiarskom kantóne Uri
Svenska: Berglandskap med en sjö nära toppen Sunnig Grat i den schweiziska kantonen Uri.
ไทย: ทิวทัศน์ในทะเลสาบจากมุมมองบน Sunnig Grat ภูเขาที่สูงที่สุดในเขต Uri ประเทศสวิตเซอร์แลนด์
繁體中文: 瑞士尤里州桑寧峽谷附近的風景和湖泊
[edit] Licensing
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This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 2.5 License. In short: you are free to share and make derivative works of the file under the conditions that you appropriately attribute it, and that you distribute it only under a license identical to this one. Official license |
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