Kép vita:REMO-Doumbek-Ergo-Drum.jpg
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[szerkesztés] Engedély
... We do not have an area on our web site with press releases or images. I am the contact for those items. By checking our web site you can confirm if a product is available and not discontinued and then either download the image from the web site or contact me for a higher resolution image. If you do not find a particular product on our web site, please contact me anyway.
We really appreciate credit given when our images are used but do not demand it; as long as it’s not misrepresented.
Thanks for thinking of Remo and enjoy your doumbek! Let me know if I can be of any more help.
Regards, Sue Kincade
Marketing & Media Coordinator
REMO, Inc.
[szerkesztés] Kifejezetten erről a képről:
Please use the attached Doumbek which is also fully synthetic, from drumhead to drum shell. Could you please also credit the drum with, “Remo Doumbek”, or “courtesy of Remo drums”?
Thank You, Sue Kincade