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[edit] Description
Idolo is a fictional mecha in the Zone of the Enders series. It was the first Orbital Frame ever made. It appeared as the main protagonist in the anime ZOE: 2167 IDOLO. It was constructed in a secret underground lab on Mars, and was made up almost entirely of the mysterious Metatron Ore. Radium Lavans, a pilot in the BAHRAM military noted for his piloting skill, was selected to test it. During testing, it proved so ridiculously powerful and fast that it made traditional LEV technology seem almost obsolete. However, being the first known biproduct of Metatron and a relatively primitive frame, the ore used in its production was not refined well. Over time, Radium succumbed to Metatron Poisoning due to the radiation given off by the Metatron and leftover particles of the Vector Trap's space compression field, which eventually drove him insane. The irrational actions brought about by his insanity would later be the cause of his own death.