Indonesian Supreme Court
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[edit] Jurisdiction
The Indonesian judicial system comprises several types of courts under the oversight of the Supreme Court (Mahkamah Agung). Following the civil law tradition of The Netherlands, Indonesian courts do not apply the principle of precedent.
The Mahkamah Agung does not have the power to review the constitutionality of laws passed by the national assembly. That function is taken by the Constitutional Court (Mahkamah Konstitusi). The Mahkamah Konstitusi also takes original jurisdiction in deciding disputes about the results of a general election and about the action of dismissing the President from office
In the Republic of Indonesia the courts of first instance are the State Courts (Pengadilan Negeri), of which there are about 250 each taking a territorial jurisdiction. Appeals from the Pengadilan Negeri are heard before the High Court (Pengadilan Tinggi), of which there are around 20. The Pengadilan Tinggi is a district court of appeal. Appeals from the Pengailan Tinggi and, in some instances from the Pengadilan Negeri, may be made to the Makhamah Agung located in Jakarta. The Mahkamah Agung also takes appeals from the Commercial Court and the State Administrative Court.[1]