Interstellar Marines
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Interstellar Marines is an upcoming First-Person Shooter by Zero Point Soft. It currently does not have a publisher.
Two videos have been released, a teaser and a trailer. The trailer allegedly uses the game's graphics engine. According to the official website, it's expected to be a trilogy.
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[edit] Trailer
The trailer featured a short clip of supposed gameplay. The story apparently starts out with four soldiers on a mission, but it goes wrong. Their dropship is blown up, and their commander along with it. After the four soldiers get out of the place on Mars where the explosion occurred, they are recruited to the Interstellar Marines. It is later shown with the four marines spotting a mauled corpse in a mine of some sort, then a human shark hybrid leaps out at the camera.
Other scenes show a shot of the Earth, and a spacestation hovering above it. There is also a futuristic looking city with a gray backdrop floating on some kind of water.
The official trailer can be found here:
[edit] Storyline
The game is set in the 22nd century where the Human race travels throughout space, since Earth's population has expanded; and when the Interstellar Marines are first assigned to Mars, a new species is found.
[edit] Weaponry
From the trailer it appears as if there is only one gun in the game that can be heavily modded. The gun looks similar to the Robinson Arms XCR.