Investor awareness
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Investor Awareness is knowledge the investment community has of a company. [1] It can be looked at like this: “Do investors know about your company?” If the answer is “yes,” then it could be said that the company has “good investor awareness” which means investors have knowledge of, are conscious of, or have a perception of a company and are very aware of its products and services. If we were to assume that a company has “no investor awareness” or “poor investor awareness,” then the company has probably done a poor job at creating visibility in the investment community and likely no one outside of the company's offices (or friends and family) has knowledge of the company.[2]
[edit] References
Basic Investing (HTML). Retrieved on 2007-03-20.
Survey: More than 4 out of 5 U.S. Investors Fail Quiz of basic survival knowledge. Securities Investor Protection Information (2001-08-01). Retrieved on 2007-03-20.