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Alternates to IRAC: (purchase Mary Campbell Gallagher's book, Scoring High on Bar Exam Essays, should have been taught in law school!) Also see (TICRA, FLIP C section.) (similar discussion) Also please see Using Gallagher and LEEWS in combination will give you effective advice on writing a law school exam. Additionally, the book, Planet Law School has good tips on writing law school exams. Law school outlines should be written this way: Example: Rule should be stated in point form.
A contract consists of an offer and an acceptance and consideration. Example: Case Name
Planet Law School should not be mentioned. I know a handful of people who took its advice and zero who recommend it. The consensus (on xoxohth and among people I know) is that PLS was written by a money-hungry author ignorant of how to prepare or do well on law school exams but who is willing to prey on the tremendous insecurities of upcoming law students. The author is also notorious for using public venues to promote his book. A few notable threads on xoxohth were started by the author pretending to be someone else promoting the book. This veiled promotion was met with overwhelming criticism of PLS. Any additions of PLS to this entry should be viewed with suspicion. The author is not above pretending to be an impartial outsider.