Ishtiaq Baig
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Ishtiaq Baig is a famous columnist from Pakistan. His columns are published in the Daily Jang on every Wedenesday in Karachi Jang and on Thursday in Lahore Jang.
He is frequent traveller and have travelled more than sixty countries around the world. He started writing in Daily Khabrain whre his columns were published for one year. He then was called by jang and for the last four months he is constantly writing in there.
He often writes on international affairs with touch of his personal experiences. His cloumns are widely read by young and educated people not only in Pakistan but also abroad.He developed excellent writing skills and is pioneer of a new story type columns style.
By profession he is not a writer and journalist; rather he is a famous industrialist having an MBA from America. His sister, the late Afreen Baig, was also a creative personality and famous drama producer of Pakistan. Mr. Ishtiaq Baig is also honorary consul general of Morocco in Karachi for Sindh province. He wrote more tham 100 columns in different newspapers. His interviews are published in alomost every nespapers of Pakistan. Besides column writer he is also a famous industrialist and business man. He is member of Federation of pakistan Chamber of commerce and Industry( FPCCI). He is president of Pakistan Morocco Business council.He is also vice chairman of Baig Group of companies. His biography is being worked and soon will be published..