User:Ish ishwar/draft
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Contents |
[edit] pron
IPA | ||
tʃ | ch | chop [chäp], ditch [dich], church [chərch], chin [chin], watch [wäch~wôch], chest [chest] |
dʒ | j | judge [jəj], job [jäb], jaw [jô], edge [ej] |
ʃ | sh | shop [shäp], dish [dish], ship [ship] |
θ | th | thin [thin], bath [bath], tooth [to͞oth] |
ð | dh | then [dhen], bathe [bēdh], this [dhis], the [dhə], further [fərdhər] |
j | y | yes [yes], yet [yet] |
ʒ | zh | vision ['vizhən], pleasure ['plezhər], garage [gə'räzh] |
æ | a | pat [pat], trap [trap], ash [ash], sang [saŋ] |
e(ɪ) | ā | bay [bā], face [fās], pay [pā], ace [ās], rate [rāt] |
ɑ (ɒ) | ä | father ['fädhər], pot [pät], lot [lät], mop [mäp], ah [ä], watch [wäch~wôch] |
ɑr | är | barn [bärn], far [fär] |
ɛ | e | pet [pet], dress [dres], bet [bet], yet [yet] |
ɛr | er | pair [per], care [ker] |
i | ē | bean [bēn], fleece [flēs], bee [bē], easy ['ēzē] |
ɪ | i | pit [pit], -ness [nis], kit [kit], rabbit ['rabit], hit [hit], pity ['pitē] |
ɪr | ir | peer/pier [pir] |
aɪ | ī | buy [bī], price [prīs], pie [pī], by [bī], ice [īs], while [(h)wīl] |
o(ʊ) | ō | no [nō], goat [gōt], toe [tō], go [gō] |
ɔ | ô | thought [thôt], cloth [klôθ], caught [kôt], paw [pô], law [lô], watch [wäch~wôch], jaw [jô] |
ɔɪ | oi | boy [boi], choice [chois], noise [noiz], toy [toi] |
ɔr | or | gorge [gorj] |
ʊ | u | put [put], foot [fut], took [tuk], full [ful] |
ʊr | ur | tour [tur], cure [kyur] |
u | o͞o | boon [bo͞on], goose [go͞os], boot [bo͞ot], loot [lo͞ot], prune [pro͞on], tooth [to͞oth] |
aʊ | ou | now [nou], mouth [mouth], out [out], how [hou] |
ʌ | ə | putt [pət], strut [strət], cut [kət] |
ɝ | ər | burn [bərn], nurse [nərs], urge [ərj], term [tərm], firm [fərm], word [wərd], heard [hərd], further ['fərdhər] |
ə | ə | another [ə'nədhər], about [ə'bout], item ['ītəm], edible ['edəbəl], gallop ['galəp], circus ['sərkəs], abut [ə'bət], kitten ['kitən], custom ['kəstəm], above [ə'bəv] |
ɚ | ər | butter ['bətər] |
ju | yo͞o | cue [kyo͞o], few [fyo͞o], union ['yo͞onyən], using [yo͞oziŋ], fuse [fyo͞oz] |
[edit] biblio
Entering America : northeast Asia and Beringia before the last glacial maximum / edited by D.B. Madsen.
The great journey : the peopling of ancient America / Brian M. Fagan.
The settlement of the American continents : a multidisciplinary approach to human biogeography / edited by C. Michael Barton ... [et al.].
Bones : discovering the first Americans / Elaine Dewar.
Thompson, Raymond H. ed. Migrations in new world culture history.
The first Americans : in pursuit of archaeology's greatest mystery / J.M. Adovasio with Jake Page.
In the hands of the great spirit : the 20,000 year history of American Indians / Jake Page.
Archaeology of communities : a new world perspective / Marcello-Andrea Canuto and Jason Yaeger.
The ancient Americans : a reference guide to the art, culture, and history of pre-Columbian North and South America / Juan Schobinger ; translation, Carys Evans-Corrales ; consultant, Susan Kart.
Early America revisited / Ivan Van Sertima.
Prehistory of the Americas / Stuart J. Fiedel.
The settlement of the Americas : a new prehistory / Thomas D. Dillehay.
Anthropology / William A. Haviland.
Cultural anthropology : an applied perspective / Gary Ferraro.
[edit] SA
- - = not listed in this source
- † = extinct
- ? = i dont know
Campbell | Kaufman | extinct? |
Aguano | - | † |
Ahuaqué | Awaké | |
Aikaná | Aikaná | |
Andoque | Andoke | |
Baenan | Baenã | † |
Betoi | Betoi | † |
Camsá | Kamsá | |
Candoshi | Kandoshi | |
Canichana | Kanichana | |
Carabayo | - | |
Cayuvava | Kayuvava | |
Chiquitano | Chikitano | |
Cofán | Kofán | |
Culle | Kulyi | † ? |
Cunza | Kunsa | † |
Esmeralda | Ezmeralda | † |
Fulnió | Fulnió | |
Gamela | Gamela | † |
Gorgotoqui | Gorgotoki | † |
Guamo | Wamo | † |
Guató | Guató | |
Huamoé | Wamoé | † |
Huarpe | Warpe | † |
Irantxe | Iranshe | |
Itonama | Itonama | |
Jeikó | Jeikó | † |
Jotí | Hotí | |
Kaimbe | - | |
Kaliana | Kaliana | |
Kapixaná | Kapishaná | |
Karirí | Karirí | † |
Katembrí | Katembrí | † |
Kaweskar | Kawéskar | |
Koayá | Koayá | † |
Kukurá | Kukurá | † |
Leco | Leko | † |
Lule | Lule | † |
Maku | Maku | † ? |
Mapudungu | Mapudungu | |
Matanawí | Matanawí | † |
Movima | Movima | |
Munichi | Munichi | |
Muzo | - | |
Natú | Natú | † |
Ofayé | Ofayé | |
Omurano | Omurano | † |
Otí | Otí | † |
Pakarara | - | |
Panche | - | |
Pankararú | Pankararú | † |
Pantagora | - | |
Patagón | - | |
Pijao | - | |
Puelche | Puelche | † |
Puquina | Pukina | † |
Rikbaktsá | Rikbaktsá | |
Sabela | Sabela | |
Sechura | Sechura | † |
Tarairiú | Tarairiú | † |
Taruma | Taruma | † |
Taushiro | ||
Tequiraca | Tekiraka | † |
Ticuna | Tikuna | |
Trumai | Trumai | |
Tuxá | Tushá | † |
Urarina | Urarina | |
Vilela | Vilela | |
Wakona | - | |
Warao | Warao | |
Xokó | Shokó | † |
Xukurú | Shukurú | † |
Yagan | Yámana | † |
Yaruro | Jaruro | |
Yuracare | Yurakare | |
Yuri | Jurí | † |
Yurumanguí | Yurimangi | † |
Campbell | Kaufman | extinct? |
Arauan | Arawán | |
Aymaran | Haki | |
Barbacoan | Barbakóan | |
Bororoan | Boróroan | |
Botocudoan | Aimoré | |
Cahuapanan | Kawapánan | |
Cariban | Káriban | |
Catacaoan | Katakáoan | † |
Chapacuran | Chapakúran | |
Charruan | Charrúan | † |
Chibchan | Chíbchan | |
Chimuan | Chimúan | † |
Chipaya-Uru | Chipaya | |
Chocoan | Chokó | |
Cholonan | Cholónan | † |
Chon | Chon | |
Guajiboan | Wahívoan | |
Guaykuruan | Waikurúan | |
Harákmbut | Harákmbut | |
Jabutian | Jabutían | |
Jean | Je | |
Jirajaran | Hiraháran | † |
Jivaroan | Hívaro | |
Kamakanan | Kamakánan | † |
Karajá | Karajá | |
Katukinan | Katukínan | |
Maipurean | Maipúrean | |
Mascoyan | Maskóian | |
Matacoan | Matákoan | |
Maxakalían | Mashakalían | |
Misumalpan | Misumalpa | |
Mosetenan | Mosetén | |
Muran | Múran | |
Nambiquaran | Nambikuara | |
Otomacoan | Otomákoan | † |
Paezan | Páesan | |
Panoan | Pánoan | |
Puinavean | Puinávean | |
Purian | Purían | † |
Quechuan | Kechua | |
Sálivan | Sálivan | |
Tacanan | Takánan | |
Timotean | Timótean | † |
Tiniguan | Tiníwan | † |
Tucanoan | Tukánoan | |
Tupian | Tupían | |
Witotoan | Bóran | |
Witotoan | Witótoan | |
Yaguan | Yáwan | |
Yanomaman | Yanomáman | |
Zamucoan | Samúkoan | |
Zaparoan | Sáparoan |
[edit] Swadesh
- Macro-Zamuco
- Yurimangi
- Tekiraka
- Kanichana
[edit] Viet
ask Pham about vowels
[edit] Endnotes
Front | Central | Back | |
High | iː | ɯː uː | |
Upper-Mid | eː | ɤː oː | |
Lower-Mid | ɛː | ʌ ɔː | |
Upper-Low | ɐ | ||
Lower-Low | aː |
Front | Central | Back | |
High | i | ɨ | u |
Upper-Mid | e | o | |
Lower-Mid | ɛ | ɜː/ɜ | ɔ |
Low | ɐː/ɐ |
Front | Central | Back | |
High | i | ɯ u | |
Mid | e | əː/ə | o |
Low | a | ɐː/ɐ | ɒ |
Front | Central | Back | |
High | i | ɨ | u |
Upper-Mid | e | ɘː/ɘ | o |
Lower-Mid | ɛː/ɛ | ɔ | |
Low | ɐ |
Orthography | this website | Thompson | Han | Nguyễn | Pham |
i | i | i | i | i | i |
ê | e | e | e | e | e |
e | ɛ | ɛ | ɛ | a | ɛ |
ư | ɨ | ɯ | ɨ | ɯ | ɨ |
u | u | u | u | u | u |
ô | o | o | o | o | o |
o | ɔ | ɔ | ɔ | ɒ | ɔ |
ơ | əː | ɤ | ɜː | əː | ɘː |
â | ɜ | ʌ | ɜ | ə | ɘ |
a | ɐː | a | ɐː | ɐː | |
ă | ɐ | ɐ | ɐ | ɐ |