Italian 4 Alpini Division Cuneense
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Italian 4 Alpini Division Cuneense was created on the 31 October 1935. It was composed of:
- 1° Reggimento Alpini, based in Mondovì, with the battalions Ceva, Pieve di Teco, Mondovì
- 2° Reggimento Alpini, based in Cuneo, with the battalions Borgo San Dalmazzo, Dronero, Saluzzo;
- 4° Reggimento Artiglieria Alpina, based in Cuneo, with the artillery groups Pinerolo and Mondovì Mixed Engineering Battalion.
- June 1940 war against France in the West Alps sector.
- December 1940 - April 1941 war against Greece and Jugoslavia.
- September 1942 - February 1943 USSR Campaign; destroyed during the Don Offensive.