Items in the Warcraft universe
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This is a list of the major items from Blizzard Entertainment's Warcraft universe — a fictional universe in which a series of video games and books are set.
[edit] Atiesh
Atiesh is the staff of the Guardians of Tirisfal, the last of which was Medivh. After Medivh was killed by the Knights of the Silver Hand, Atiesh was taken by the Kirin Tor of Dalaran and locked in a secure magical vault. When Dalaran was destroyed by the Demonlord Archimonde, the staff was shattered into splinters - 42, to be precise. The headpiece was found by the lich Kel'Thuzad, and taken into his dark necropolis of Naxxramas. The splinters of Atiesh were taken by Kel'Thuzad's lieutenants, scattered throughout Naxxramas. The base of the staff was found by Brann Bronzebeard, brother of the King of Ironforge, who apparently lost it while exploring The Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. The base is currently in possession of C'Thun, the Old God ruler of Ahn'Qiraj.
[edit] Ashbringer
A weapon of unmatched power that was created by the Archmage Timolain. It is unknown if the blade had a name before coming into the possession of the Highlord of the Scarlet Crusade, Mograine. Mograine's tenacity in battle was legendary even within the ranks of the fledgeling Scarlet Crusade, who at that time was a noble order. Those under his command coined the nickname "Ashbringer" as they watched him wade into ranks of foul undead wielding powerful Light-borne magic and leaving only ashes in his wake. Legend has it that Highlord Mograine was betrayed by his own son, Renault Morgraine, who had set up a deal with Kel'Thuzad which led to the assassination of his father, Highlord Mograine. The younger Morgraine led his father and High Inquisitor Fairbanks into the Scouge bastion of Stratholme. While thousands of Scourge ambushed the warriors, Renault Morgraine fled and hid. The Ashbringer fought off the Scourge, smiting them as fast as they came. But more came, thousands of Scourge in groups came. Fairbanks was the first to fall, but the Scourge ignored him, completely focused on killing Highlord Mograine. Highlord Morgraine fought off all the Scourge, Fairbanks feigning death and being buried beneath the bodies of the Scourge. Highlord Morgraine, after killing the remaining scourge, started to search for Fairbanks. While his back was turned, his son stole Ashbringer and stabbed his father in the back. "What have you done, Renault? Why would you do this?" were the last words of the Ashbringer, who fell down, dead. High Inquisitor Fairbanks broke through the bodies after two days. He ran back to the Scarlet Monastery, and started shouting out what had happened. He was murdered in cold blood and dragged to a chamber to die. But some people listened; thus was formed the Argent Dawn.
The Corrupted Ashbringer is found within the Chest of the Four Horseman in Naxxramas. If you equip the sword and go to the Cathedral at the Scarlet Monastery, every NPC will kneel to you until you get to Scarlet Commander Mograine. He will kneel to you, and then his father, Highlord Mograine, will appear as a ghost. He will walk up to his son and mock his betrayal, then kill him. If you go to Fairbanks you can talk to him, and he will tell you the story of Highlord Mograine and the Ashbringer. When you ask if you can redeem the blade, he will say that Highlord Mograine's son is able to craft a new Ashbringer, without requiring the tainted one. When you then say that his son is dead, he will say that only one of his sons are dead. The other lives, in the Outland. It is believed that there will be a quest relating the sword in the expansion.
[edit] Ashkandi, Greatsword of the Brotherhood
Ashkandi is the sword of the legendary knight Anduin Lothar, champion of Azeroth and leader of the Knights of King Llane Wrynn IV. The hilt is inscribed with the initials "A.L.", and "the Brotherhood" is assumed to refer to Lothar's order in Azeroth, the Brotherhood of the Horse. Lothar was killed by Orgrim Doomhammer during the closing battles of the Second War. Ashkandi is also presumably the sword that ended the life of the great wizard Medivh (as described in Warcraft: The Last Guardian). In World of Warcraft you can get it from Nefarian, the dragon ruler of Blackwing Lair.
[edit] Dark Iron
Dark Iron is a rare, fictional, mineral in the Warcraft universe. In the MMORPG World of Warcraft, it is usually found in Burning Steppes and high level dungeons such as Black Rock Depths and Molten Core. It is used in high level black smithing plans for weapons and armor.
Also, this mineral is very special in that it can only be smelted within the dungeon of Black Rock Depths and 8 ore yields 1 bar.
Dark Iron dwarves are also to be found lurking around Searing Gorge and have camps set up everywhere.
The Dark Iron Dwarves are one of the three Dwarven clans: Dark Iron, Wildhammer clan, and the Bronzebeard clan. All 3 fought in The War of the Three Hammers. In the end the Bronzebeard clan managed to take the city of Ironforge, and the Dark Irons fled back to the Burning Steppes and into the Blackrock Depths.
[edit] Demon Soul
The Demon Soul (originally named the dragon soul) was a powerful artifact created by the mad black dragon Neltharion (later known as Deathwing) in his quest to cleanse Azeroth of anything that threatened it, which in his eyes was all life except for his own black dragonflight. Under the guise of creating a weapon to use against the Burning Legion, Neltharion tricked the other four dragon Aspects into placing part of their power into the Demon Soul. He then betrayed them at a critical moment in the war against the Burning Legion, almost destroying the blue dragonflight in the process. However, the remaining Aspects managed to steal the Demon Soul from him and place a powerful enchantment on it so that no dragon (including Neltharion) could ever wield it.
The Demon Soul was found centuries later by Orcs of the Dragonmaw Clan, who used it to enslave the red dragonflight and use them as war machines against the Alliance. The Human wizard Rhonin, however, managed to destroy the Demon Soul, thus restoring the dragon Aspects to their former power. (See Warcraft War of the Ancients books for more information)
[edit] Doomhammer
The Doomhammer was the warhammer used by the late warchief Orgrim Doomhammer. Before he died of wounds suffered previous to the attack on Durnholde Keep, he gave the Doomhammer and his black suit of armour to Thrall and named him the new warchief of the Horde.
[edit] Eye of Sargeras
The Eye of Sargeras is a powerful artifact that was once a part of Sargeras. The artifact was sought by many looking for power. One of them, the Orc warlock Gul'dan, found its location within the Tomb of Sargeras, although he was killed while trying to enter the tomb. Many years later, the Night Elf demon hunter Illidan Stormrage used the Eye in his effort to destroy the Lich King, but the interruption of the spell by the warden Maiev Shadowsong caused the spell to fail, as well as destroy the Eye.
[edit] Eye of Sulfuras
A legendary item, which has been a part of Ragnaros, the Firelord. Combining the Eye of Sulfuras with Sulfuron hammer will create a Legendary Hammer, called Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros. Eye of Sulfuras drops from Ragnaros himself. The Sulfuron Hammer must be crafted before this can be done.
[edit] Frostmourne/vampiric runeblades
Arthas sought Frostmourne, a powerful runeblade, in the hope that its vast power would allow him to rid Lordaeron of the Scourge and save his people. Unbeknownst to him, however, Frostmourne was in fact a cursed blade created by the Lich King. The sword granted Arthas immense power, but it also channeled the Lich King's powers through him and consumed his soul, which turned him into the Lich King's puppet and the Scourge's greatest Death Knight. Arthas in turn slew his father and wrought destruction and havoc in the Grand Alliance.
The pedestal in Northrend that housed Frostmourne was guarded by Ice Revenants who attempted to stop Arthas from gaining the blade - when Arthas taunted them about trying to protect Frostmourne from him, their leader replied that they were actually attempting to protect Arthas from the blade itself. On the pedestal, an inscription warned adventurers thusly:
"Whomsoever takes up this blade shall wield power eternal. Just as the blade rends flesh, so must power scar the spirit."
Prominent victims of Frostmourne include Muradin Bronzebeard, Mal'Ganis the Dreadlord, King Terenas Menethil, Uther the Lightbringer, Antonidas of Dalaran, Sylvanas Windrunner, and Illidan Stormrage (who is the only character to have been critically wounded by Frostmourne and lived).
The Lich King made several such runeblades (of which, Frostmourne is the greatest), and through them corrupted many Paladins to his control. At least one such Paladin resisted the corruption exerted through the runeblade, forcing the Lich King to bind his body and use him as a puppet, against his will.
Frostmourne and the runeblades are direct homages to Stormbringer and Mournblade, soul-consuming sentient blades from Michael Moorcock's Elric series.
[edit] Might of Menethil
An epic mace, it is speculated that it is the mace Arthas was using before getting Frostmourne. This looks nothing like the Warcraft III model, however. So it really is just speculation.
Might of Menethil drops from Kel'Thuzad, the final boss of Naxxramas dungeon in 1.11.0 patch. (World of Warcraft)
[edit] Skull of Gul'dan
The Skull of Gul'dan was a skull-like artifact of immense power. The skull, along with the Book of Medivh, the Eye of Dalaran, and the Jeweled Scepter of Sargeras, was acquired by Ner'zhul for use in opening portals to other worlds. Alleria Windrunner and Danath Trollbane managed to steal the skull and the Book of Medivh from Ner'zhul, and Khadgar used the skull and book to close the Dark Portal forever. Illidan learned of the skull from Arthas, and consumed it, giving him a demon-like form and some of Gul'dan's memories. These memories led him to the location of Sargeras's tomb. The Skull of Gul'dan also gave Illidan enough power to kill Tichondrius, one of the Nathrezim; however, the fact that he corrupted himself with such power enraged his brother Malfurion, who promptly ordered his exile. It is not known whether the artifact is in fact the actual skull of Gul'Dan himself, though it did give Illidan Gul'Dan's memories.
[edit] Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros
Sulfuras is created by combining the Eye of Sulfuras with the Sulfuron Hammer.
This hammer belongs to the Fire Elemental Lord Ragnaros. It is the hammer with which he struck down Thunderaan, the Elemental Lord of Air. This hammer can be created by striking a deal with the Thorium Brotherhood who give the seeker plans to create the Sulfuron Hammer. After collection many rare ingredients and creating (or finding a 300 blacksmith to create) the hammer, one must collect the Eye of Sulfuras which is a very rare drop from Ragnaros. When combining the two it creates the legendary Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros, a legendary item, useable by Druids, Paladins, Shamans (with talents) and Warriors.
[edit] The Twin Blades of Azzinoth
The Twin Blades of Azzinoth are the two crescent-like blades used by Illidan. He took them from a Doomguard (Azzinoth) in the first attack by the burning legion. It is speculated that after the release of the World of Warcraft expansion, The Burning Crusade, players will be able to kill Illidan in Outland and collect The Twin Blades for themselves.
The Twin Blades exist but is currently known as a Game Master weapon. It is not yet know whether players will be able to obtain this weapon. It might be the first artifact (highest quality of weapon or armor) in the game, and will probably be one of, if not the most powerful weapon in the game.
[edit] Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker
Thunderfury is a powerful weapon in World of Warcraft, obtained by killing a certain enemy after a long series of quests.
Thunderfury is the blade belonging to the Elemental Lord Thunderaan. In lore, Thunderaan was struck down and betrayed by the Elemental Lord Ragnaros. Despite its great size, Thunderfury is a one-handed sword. This sword can only be obtained by collecting the two Bindings of the Windseeker, which drop off Baron Geddon and Garr. One must then travel to Silithus and talk to the Highlord Demetrian who will give a quest that summons Thunderaan, Prince of the Wind. After the collection of both bindings and the Essence of the Firelord, 10 elementium bars will be needed which require 1 Elementium ore, 3 Elemental Flux, 1 Fiery core and 10 Arcanite Bars. A balanced and a decently equipped raid of 40 people with at least Tier 1 armor will need to be assembled to defeat Thunderaan. Upon his demise the Wind Kissed Blade will automatically be "dropped". Returning this item to Highlord Demetrian will grant the player the complete item. Currently, this is the most expensive quest reward in the game.
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