Ithaca Intersystems
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Ithaca Intersystems was a microcomputer manufacturer in the 1970s and 1980s, located in Ithaca, New York USA. The early years drew on engineering talent from Cornell University when the founders worked in a small rented space in the Collegtown neighborhood adjacent to the university campus. They initially produced a S-100 bus, Z80-based computer. As a large commercial success, the company moved to larger spaces outside of town, and designed and produced a larger system that ran UNIX. The company languished in the 1980s, not being part of the domination of the IBM PC and PC clones.
The DPS-1 was initially a Z80 Based Computer
This was one of the last S100 computers to have front panel switches like the original Altair.
Later a Zilog Z8002 Based DPS-8000 system was marketed. This used the Mark_Williams_Company Coherenet UNIX like operating system.