Daftar istilah fotografi
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Index istilah-istilah fotografi dengan uraian dalam Bahasa Indonesia.
[sunting] 0–9
- 110 (film)
- 120 (film)
- 126 (film)
- 135 (film)
- 220 (film)
- 35mm
- 3D matrix metering
- 645 (film)
- 802.11b
[sunting] A
- Abbe number
- Aberration
- Absorbed light
- Accessory shoe
- Access time
- Acetate
- Achromatic
- Acid-free paper
- Active autofocus
- Acutance
- Adapter
- AD converter
- Additive colour
- Additive frame counter
- Additive synthesis
- Advanced Distance Integration
- AE
- Aerial image
- Aerial perspective
- Aerial photography
- AF
- AF assist
- AF-D
- AF-I
- AF-S
- Against the light
- Agitation
- AI
- Air bell
- Air lens
- Airy disc/disk
- AI-S
- AI Servo
- Albumen print
- Algorithm
- Aliasing
- Alkaline cell
- Alpha channel transparency
- Amateur
- Ambient light
- Anaglyph
- Analogue/analog
- Anamorphic
- Anastigmat
- Angle finder
- Angle of incidence
- Angle of view
- Anti-aliasing
- Anti-aliasing filter
- Anti-halation layer
- Anti-Newton glass
- Anti-vignette
- Aperture
- Aperture priority
- Apochromatic/APO
- Application
- APS/Advanced Photo System
- Archival
- Arc lamp
- Art director
- Artefact/artifact
- Artificial light
- Artist's statement
- Aspect ratio
- Aspherical
- Astigmatism
- Astrophotography
- AE Lock/AEL
- Autofocus
- Autofocus point
- Automatic camera
- Automatic exposure/AE
- Automatic flash unit/auto flash
- Av
- Available light
- Avoirdupois
- Axis lighting
[sunting] B
- Backdrop
- Back focus
- Background
- Backlighting
- Back-printing
- Bag bellows
- Ball head
- Banding
- Bare bulb
- Barn doors
- Barn door tracker/Scotch mount
- Barrel
- Barrel distortion
- Baryta
- Base fog
- Base-stored Image Sensor/BASIS
- Bayer interpolation
- Bayonet
- Beam splitter
- Behind the lens
- Bellows
- Between the lens
- Between the rails/BTR
- Binary
- Bi-refringence
- Bit
- Bit depth
- Bitmap
- Black
- Black and white
- Blackbody
- Blacklight
- Bleach
- Bleach bypass
- Bleach fix
- Bleed
- Blimp
- Blocked up
- Blonde
- Blowing up
- Blown out
- Blue
- Blueprint
- Bluetooth
- Blur
- Body
- Body cap
- Body release
- Bokeh
- Boom
- Booster
- Bounce card
- Bounce flash
- Bounce lighting
- Bracket
- Bracketing
- Brassing
- Breech lock mount
- Brewster's angle
- Brick
- Brightness
- Bromide
- BS
- Bubble level
- Buffer
- Bug
- Build quality
- Bulb
- Bulk film
- Bundled software
- Burning
- Byte
[sunting] C
- C-41
- Cable release
- Calendered
- Calibration
- Calotype
- Camera
- Camera angles
- Camera back
- Camera obscura
- Camerosity
- Canada balsam
- Candela
- Candid photography
- Canister
- Canon
- Capacitor
- Carbon process
- Cartridge
- Cassette
- Catadioptric lens
- Catchlight
- CD
- Celluloid
- Celsius
- Cemented element
- Centre-weighted averaging metering
- CF card
- C format
- Chainpod
- Chalky
- Changing bag
- Channel
- Characteristic curve
- Chemical bath
- Chemical photography
- Chiaroscuro
- Chip
- Chipping/a lens
- Chroma
- Chromatic aberration
- Chrome
- Chrominance
- Chromogenic film
- Cibachrome
- CIE colour/color model
- Circle of confusion
- Circular polarizing filter/CPL/CIR-PL/PL-C
- Clip test
- Close focus distance
- Close Range Correction/CRC
- Closeup
- Closeup filter
- Cloudy glass
- color management module/CMM
- Coated stock
- Coating
- Coherent light
- Cold cathode
- Cold mirror
- Collimated light
- Collimation
- Collodion process
- Colorimetry
- ColorSync
- color
- color balance
- color cast
- color compensation/CC filter
- color correction
- color coupled process
- Colourfast/colorfast
- color mask
- color meter
- color process
- color separation
- color space
- color temperature
- Coma
- CompactFlash
- Composition
- Compound lens
- Compression
- Compur shutter
- Condenser enlarger
- Constant aperture zoom lens
- Constructive interference
- Consumer
- Contact print
- Contact sheet
- Contax
- Continuous lighting
- Continuous servo AF
- Continuous tone
- Contrast
- Contrast mask
- Contrast range
- Contre-jour
- Conventional camera
- Converging lens
- Converging verticals
- Converter
- Cooke triplet
- Cookie
- Cool
- Cooling filter
- Copal
- Copyright
- Copy stand
- Coupled rangefinder
- Courtesy line
- Creative zone
- Credit
- Crescents
- Cropping
- Cropping factor
- Cross-eyed bokeh
- Cross processing
- Cross sensor
- Crown glass
- Cukaloris
- Curtain
- Curvature of field
- Curvilinear distortion
- Custom print
- Cut film
- Cutting reducer
- Cyan
- Cyanotype
- Cyclorama/cyc
[sunting] D
- Daguerreotype
- Damping
- Darkcloth
- Dark field
- Dark noise subtraction
- Darkroom
- Dark slide
- Data
- Date back
- Day for night
- Daylight-balanced film
- Daylight film
- Daylight loader
- Daylight loading film
- Daylight tank
- DC
- Decamired
- Decisive moment
- Deckled
- Dedicated flash unit
- Defocus
- Density
- Depth
- Depth of field/DOF
- Depth of field preview
- Destructive interference
- Developer
- Diaphragm
- Diapositive
- Diathermic mirror
- Dichroic
- Dichroic filters
- Dichroic fog
- Dichroic mirror
- Didymium filter
- Diffraction
- Diffused light
- Diffuser
- Diffusion dithering
- Digicam
- Digital
- Digital asset management/DAM
- Digital camera
- Digital ICE
- Digital imaging
- Digital negative
- Digital realm
- Digital watermark
- Digital zoom
- Digitizing
- Dimensional stability
- Dioptre/diopter
- Dioptric adjustment
- Dip and dunk
- Direct vision camera
- Disc film
- Discontinuous spectrum
- Dispersion
- Dithering
- Diverging lens
- Dmax
- Dmin
- DO
- Dodger
- Dodging
- Dolly
- Dot matrix
- Double exposure
- Doublet
- DP
- dpi
- Driver
- Drop-in loading
- Drum scanner
- Drying marks
- Duotone
- Dupe
- DV
- DX
- Dye
- Dye sublimation
- Dynamic AF
- Dynamic range
[sunting] E
- E-6
- Easel
- “Ecological” glass
- ED
- Edge lighting
- Edge numbers
- EF
- Effective megapixels
- Effects filter
- EF-S
- Egg crate
- EI
- Ektachrome
- EL
- Electroluminescent
- Electromagnetically controlled shutter
- Electromagnetic radiation/EMR
- Electronic flash
- Electronic rangefinder
- Element
- Emulsion
- Emulsion side
- Endoscope
- Enhancing filter
- Enlargement
- Enlarger
- Ergonomics
- Exposure value/EV
- Evaluative metering
- Exhausted
- Exponential
- Export
- Exposure
- Exposure compensation
- Exposure index/EI
- Extension tube
- Eye cup
- Eyepiece
- Eyepiece shutter
- Eye relief
- Eye-Start Automation
[sunting] F
- F
- Fahrenheit
- Fair use
- Falling front or back
- Falloff
- False colour
- Farmer's reducer
- Fast film
- Fast lens
- FD
- Felt trap
- FF
- Fibre/fiber base paper
- Field of view
- Figure study
- File
- File format
- File size
- Fill flash
- Film
- Film back
- Film base
- Film chamber
- Film Chamber Lock
- Film notches
- Film plane
- Film plane mark
- Film rails
- Film recorder
- Film retrieval tool
- Film scanner
- Film speed
- Film tongue
- Filter
- Filter factor
- Filter pack
- Filter threads
- Finder
- Finder screen
- FireWire
- Firmware
- First curtain sync
- Fisheye lens
- Fix
- Fixed focal length
- Fixed focus
- Fixer
- Flag
- Flare
- Flash
- Flash bracket
- Flash bulb
- Flash exposure lock/FEL
- Flashing
- Flash memory
- Flash meter
- Flash powder
- Flash shadow
- Flash synchronization
- Flash unit
- Flat
- Flatbed scanner
- Flat lighting
- Flexible program/P*
- Floating element
- Floodlight
- Fluid head
- Fluorescent
- Fluorescent lamp
- Fluorite
- Focal length
- Focal length multiplier
- Focal plane
- Focal plane flash
- Focal plane mark
- Focal plane shutter
- Focal point
- Focus
- Focus and recompose
- Focus limiter
- Focus prediction
- Focus priority
- Focussing/focusing cloth
- Focussing/focusing helical
- Focussing screen
- Fog
- Foot-candle
- Foreshortening
- Forming gas
- Four Thirds
- FP
- fps
- Frame
- Frame counter
- Freelance
- Fresnel lens
- Front nodal point
- Front-silvered mirror
- f stop
- f stop ratios
- Full-time manual/FTM
- Fuji Film
- Full frame or full-frame
- Fungus
[sunting] G
- G
- Gaffer tape
- Gamma
- Gamut
- Gel
- Gelatin
- Ghost
- Giclée
- Gigabyte/GB
- Glare
- Glass
- Global Positioning System/GPS
- Glossy
- Gobo
- Golden section
- Graduated filter
- Graduated neutral density filter/grad ND
- Grain
- Grain focusser/focuser
- Grain sharp
- Green
- Greeneye
- Grey/gray card
- Grey/gray market
- Greyscale/grayscale
- Grip
- Ground glass
- Group
- Guide number/GN
- Gyroscopic stabilizer
[sunting] H
- Hair light
- Hairline
- Halation
- Half frame or half-frame
- Half-silvered mirror
- Halftone
- Halogen
- Hand-coloured/colored
- H and D curve
- Handholding
- Handholding rule
- Hard drive
- Hard light
- Hartmann mask
- Hasselblad
- “Hat trick”
- HD
- Hertz
- H format
- High colour/color
- High key
- Highlights
- High speed photography
- High-speed sync
- Histogram
- Hold back
- Hologram
- Holography
- Horizontal shutter
- Hot lamp
- Hot mirror
- Hotshoe
- High Speed Sync/HSS
- Hue
- Hunting
- Hyperfocal distance
- Hypering tank
- Hypersensitisation/hypersensitization
- Hypo
- Hypo clearing agent
- Hz
[sunting] I
- Icon
- IEEE 1394
- Ilfochrome
- Image
- Image area
- Image circle
- Image editor
- Image sensor
- Image stabilization/IS
- Import
- Incandescent
- Incident light
- Incident light meter
- Incoherent light
- Index print
- Infinity
- Infinity focus
- Infinity stops
- Infrared/IR
- Infrared compensation
- Infrared film
- Inkjet
- Instant camera
- Instant return
- Intellectual property
- Intelligent program AE
- Intensification
- Intensifier
- Intensifier filter
- Interchangeable lens
- Interface
- Interference
- Internal flash
- Internal focus/IF
- Internegative
- Interpolation
- Intervalometer
- Interval timer
- Inverse square law
- Inverted telephoto lens
- Invisible light
- IrDA
- Iris
- IS
- IX
[sunting] J
- Jaggies
[sunting] K
- Kaesemann
- Kite aerial photography/KAP
- Kelvin
- Keplerian viewfinder
- Key light
- Keystoning
- Kilobyte/K
- Kirlian photography
- Kit
- Kodachrome
- Kodak
[sunting] L
- L
- Lab
- Lag time
- Land camera
- Landscape
- Large format
- Laser
- Laser printer
- Latent image
- Latent image deterioration
- Latitude
- Leader
- Leader-out
- Leaf shutter
- Leica
- Lens
- Lens cap
- Lens coating
- Lens formula
- Lens hood
- Lens mount
- Lens mount index
- Lens names
- Lens register
- Lens separation
- Lens shade
- Light
- Light balancing filter
- Light box
- Lightfast
- Light hose
- Lighting
- Light interference
- Light leak
- Light meter
- Light pipe
- Lightproof
- Light table
- Light tent
- Light trap
- Li-ion
- Linear
- Linear polarizing filter
- Liquid emulsion
- low-intensity reciprocity failure/LIRF
- Lith film
- Lithium
- Logarithmic
- Lossless
- Lossy
- Loupe
- Low dispersion glass
- Low key
- Low-pass filter/LPF
- Lumen
- Luminance
- Lux
[sunting] M
- M39
- M42
- Machine print
- Macintosh
- Mackie line
- Macro
- Magazine
- Magenta
- Magnifier
- Mains flash
- Mamiya
- Manual exposure
- Manual focus
- Marquee
- Mask
- Match-needle
- Matrix metering
- Matt
- MC
- Medium format
- Megabyte/MB, Mbyte
- Megapixel
- Memory
- Memory Stick
- Meniscus lens
- Metered manual
- Metric
- MF
- Micro
- Microdrive
- Micromotor/MM
- Microprism
- Midroll rewind
- Midtone
- Mie scattering
- Minilab
- Minimum focus distance
- Minolta
- Mired
- Mirror
- Mirror blackout
- Mirror lens
- Mirror lockup
- Mirror prefire
- Mirror slap
- Motorized Lens Protection System/MLPS
- Model
- Modelling/modeling
- Modelling/modeling flash
- Modelling/modeling light
- Model release
- Modulation transfer function/MTF
- Moiré patterns
- Monitor
- Monitor preflash
- Monobloc
- Monochromatic
- Monolight
- Monopod
- Monorail camera
- Montage
- Moony 11 rule
- Moore's law
- Mosaic
- Mostly owned
- Motor drive
- Movements
- M-sync
- Muddy
- Multi-CAM
- Multicoating
- Multigrade
- Multimedia
- Multiple exposure
- Multiple image
- Multi spot metering
[sunting] N
- N3
- Natural light
- Negative
- Negative carrier
- Negative fill
- Neutral
- Neutral density filter
- Newton's rings
- NiCD
- Night mode
- Nikkor
- Nikon
- NiMH
- Nitrate
- nm
- Nodal point
- Noise
- Non-volatile memory
- Normal lens
- Nose grease
- Notches
- Nucleus
- Nude
- Nuit américain
[sunting] O
- Object distance
- Object lens
- Off-axis
- Olympus
- OM
- One-shot
- Opacity
- Opaque
- Open flash
- Opening up
- Optical axis
- Optical brightener
- Optical glass
- Optical system
- Optical zoom
- Optics
- Ortho
- Orthochromatic
- Outdated
- Overexposure
[sunting] P
- Painting with light
- Panchromatic
- Panning
- Panoramic
- Pan-tilt head
- Paparazzi
- Paper
- Paper grade
- Paper sizing
- Parallax
- Parallax focussing
- Partial metering
- Passive autofocus
- PC
- PC Card
- Pearl
- Pellicle mirror
- Pentaprism
- Pentax
- “Perfect” lens hood
- Perforations
- Peripheral
- Persistence of vision
- Perspective
- Perspective control/PC lens
- Petzval lens
- Petzval surface
- P format
- pH
- Phase detection
- Photo
- Photochemical
- Photoelectric
- Photoelectric cell
- Photo essay
- Photofinishing
- Photoflood
- Photog
- Photogenic
- Photogram
- Photograph
- Photojournalist/PJ
- photokina
- Photomontage
- Photomosaic
- Photosensitive
- Photoshop
- Piggyback mount
- Pilot lamp
- Pincushion distortion
- Pinhole camera
- Pixel
- Pixel density
- Plane
- Plano-convex lens
- Plate
- Platinum process
- Platinum toning
- Play
- Point and shoot
- Polarized light
- Polarizer
- Polarizing filter
- Polaroid
- Polaroid transfer
- Polychromatic
- Polycontrast
- Polyester
- Popping
- Porro prism
- Portrait
- Positive
- Posterizing
- PostScript
- Power winder
- Power zoom
- Predictive autofocus
- Preflash
- Press camera
- Pressure plate
- Previsualization
- Prewind
- Primary colour/color
- Prime focus photography
- Prime lens
- Printing-Out Paper/POP
- Prism
- Process colour/color
- Processing
- Professional
- Professional film
- Program AE
- Program shifting
- Projector
- Property release
- Prosumer
- Protective filter
- Protocol
- Public domain
- Pull processing
- Push processing
- Push-pull
[sunting] Q
- Quarter-wave plate
- Quartz date/QD
- Quartz lamp
- Quick control dial/QCD
- Quick-release/QR plate
- QuickTime
[sunting] R
- Rack and pinion
- Radioactive glass
- Rangefinder
- Rare earth glass
- Raster
- Rating
- Rayleigh scattering
- Realtime image processing
- Rear-curtain sync
- Rear focus/RF
- Rear lens cap
- Rear nodal point
- Rebadged
- Rebate
- Reciprocity
- Reciprocity failure
- Reclaim
- Rectangular pixels
- Rectilinear
- Recycling time
- Red
- Redeye
- Redeye reduction
- Redhead
- Reducer
- Reduction
- Reflected light
- Reflected light meter
- Reflector
- Reflex camera
- Reflex lens
- Reflex mirror
- Refraction
- Refractive index
- Refresh rate
- Regional rights
- Register distance
- Release priority
- Remote controller
- Render
- Resin coated paper/RC
- Resize
- Resolution
- Response curve
- Reticle
- Reticulation
- Retouching
- Retrofocus
- Reversal film
- Reverse
- Reverse engineering
- Reverse Galilean
- Reversing ring
- Right-angle attachment
- Right-angle finder
- Rights protected licence/license
- Ring flash
- Ripening
- Rising-falling
- Rising front or back
- Roll film
- Roof mirror
- Rotating lens
- Royalty
- Royalty-free
- Rule of thirds
[sunting] S
- Sabattier effect
- Safelight
- Safety film
- Saturation
- Save energy/SE mode
- Scanner
- Scattering
- Scheimpflug principle
- Scheiner disc/disk
- Schlieren photography
- Screwmount
- Scrim
- Seamless paper
- Secondary Image Registration/SIR
- Second-curtain sync
- Secure Digital/SD
- Seidel aberrations
- Selective focus
- Selenium toner
- Self-timer
- Semiconductor
- Semi-hard case
- Semireflective
- Sensor
- Sepia tone
- Serial port
- Service bureau
- Servo
- Shadow
- Sharpening algorithms
- Sheet film
- Shim
- Shoot
- Shooter
- Shoulder
- Shoulder stock
- Shutter
- Shutterbug
- Shutter button
- Shutter release
- Shutter speed
- Shutter speed priority
- SI
- Silent Wave/SWM
- Silica gel
- Silver
- Silver dye bleach colour process
- Silver gelatin
- Silver halides
- Silver nitrate
- Similar
- Simple lens
- Single Area AF
- Single Servo AF
- Singlet
- Sitting
- Skylight
- Skylight filter
- Slave flash
- Slide
- Slide duplicator
- Slim filter
- Slow film
- Slow lens
- Slow sync
- Single lens reflex/SLR
- Smartmedia/SSFDC
- Snap
- Snell's law
- Snoot
- Sodium thiosulphate/thiosulfate
- Softbox
- Soft focus
- Soft light
- Software
- Solarization
- Solid state
- Sound annotation
- Spectrum
- Specular highlight
- Specular light
- Speculation/spec
- Speed
- Speed Graphic
- Speedlight
- Speedlite
- Spherical aberration
- Spill
- Spiral reel
- Spirit level
- Split-image focus aid
- Spool
- Sports mode
- Spotlight
- Spot metering
- Spotting
- Spotting scope
- Spread function
- Sprocket
- Sprocket hole
- Sprocket hole counter
- Sputtering
- Square pixels
- sRGB
- Stability
- Stacking filters
- Standard lens
- Startup time
- Static marks
- Step down ring
- Step ring
- Step up ring
- Stereo camera
- Stereoscopy
- Still photography
- Still video
- Stitching
- Stock agency
- Stop
- Stop bath
- Stop-down metering
- Straight line
- Street photography
- Stringer
- Strobe
- Stroboscopic
- Studio
- Studio flash
- Studio pedestal
- Subframe or sub-frame
- Subject
- Subminiature
- Subpixel
- Subtractive colour/color
- Sunny 16 rule
- Supplementary lens
- Super-wide/SW
- Sweet spot
- Swing lens
- Sync cord
- Synchro-sunlight
- Sync terminal
[sunting] T
- T
- T3
- T90
- Taking lens
- Takumar
- Tank
- Teleconverter/TC
- Telephoto lens
- Tessar lens
- Test chart
- Test strip
- Thermal imaging
- Thin
- Third party
- Thread pitch
- Three-way head
- Threshold exposure
- Thumbnail
- Thyristor/auto thyristor
- Tight
- Tilt-shift lens/TS
- Time lapse photography
- Twin-lens reflex/TLR
- T-mount
- Toe
- Tonal range
- Toner
- Tongs
- Top deck
- Top lighting
- Toy camera
- Tranny
- Translucent
- Transmissive light
- Transmittance
- Transparency
- Transparent
- Tray
- Trichromatic
- Trigger
- Tripod
- Tripod collar
- Tripod mount
- Tritone
- T*
- T-stop
- Tungsten
- Tungsten-balanced film
- Tv
- Two touch
- Type A camera
- Type B camera
- Tyro
[sunting] U
- UD
- Ultraviolet/UV
- Umbrella
- Underexposure
- Unsharp mask
- Uprating
- USAF 1951 resolution test
- Useful life
- UV filter
[sunting] V
- Vacuum deposition
- Vapourware/vaporware
- Variable aperture zoom lens
- Variable contrast paper
- Variable focus zoom lens
- Variable grade paper
- Vector
- Vertical shutter
- VHPictures
- View camera
- Viewfinder
- Viewfinder frame coverage
- Vignetting
- Virtual memory
- Visible light
- Volatile memory
- Vibration Reduction (VR)
[sunting] W
- Waist-level finder
- Warm
- Warming filter
- Warmup time
- Washing
- Waterhouse stops
- Watermark
- Waterproof
- Water-resistant
- Watt
- Watt-second
- Wavelength
- WB
- Wetting agent
- White
- White balance
- Wide angle lens
- Wide open
- Wi-Fi
- Window glass
- Windows
- Wired remote
- Wireless
- Wireless Ethernet
- Wood effect
- Work for hire
- Wratten numbers
[sunting] X
- Xenon
- X-rays
- X-sync
[sunting] Y
- Yellow
- Young-Helmholtz theory
[sunting] Z
- Zeiss
- Zoetrope
- Zone system
- Zoom creep
- Zoom lens
- Zuiko