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Nkulunkulu Mnikati wetibusiso temaSwati adalah lagu kebangsaan Swaziland.
[sunting] Teks dalam bahasa Swazi
- Nkulunkulu Mnikati wetibusiso temaSwati;
- Siyatibonga tonkhe tinhlanhla;
- Sibonga iNgwenyama yetfu.
- Live netintsaba nemifula.
- Busisa tiphatsimandla takaNgwane;
- Nguwe wedvwa Somandla wetfu;
- Sinike kuhlakanipha lokungenabucili
- Simise usicinise, Simakadze.
[sunting] Teks dalam bahasa Inggris
- O Lord our God, bestower of the blessings of the Swazi;
- We give Thee thanks for all our good fortune;
- We offer thanks and praise for our King
- And for our fair land, its hills and rivers.
- Thy blessings be on all rulers of our Country;
- Might and power are Thine alone;
- We pray Thee to grant us wisdom without deceit or malice.
- Establish and fortify us, Lord Eternal.