Recording Industry Association of America
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Recording Industry Association of America disingkat RIAA adalah perkumpulan dagang industri rekaman di AS. Anggotanya adalah berbagai perusahaan rekaman dan distributor. Kelompok ini dibentuk pada 1952. Saat ini RIAA dipimpin oleh Mitch Bainwol sejak 2003. Ia dibantu oleh Cary Sherman, President of the Board of Directors.
[sunting] Lihat pula
- Anti-copyright
- Parental advisory
[sunting] Pranala luar
- RIAA official website
- Boycott RIAA website and online community Critical of; and in opposition to the RIAA
- The RIAA Radar Find out if a specific CD was released by a RIAA member
- - Whistleblower - Scan your NNTP news provider for the presence of pirated music, movies or software
- The Subpoena Defense Alliance - provides information on court decisions related to identity disclosure and the Verizon case in particular
- RIAA Says No Dancing To Music On YouTube-Article about RIAA's latest crackdown on copyright policy