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Installation of Russian Soyuz Spacecraft at Baikonur, 15 July 1975
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The Soyuz spacecraft and launch vehicle are installed on the launch pad at the Baikonur complex in Kazakhstan. Baikonur is the world's largest space center. This launch was part of the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP), a cooperative space mission between the United States and the USSR. The goals of ASTP were to test the ability of American and Soviet spacecraft to rendezvous and dock in space and to open the doors to possible international rescue missions and future collaboration on manned spaceflights. The Soyuz and Apollo crafts launched from Baikonur and the Kennedy Space Center respectively, on July 15, 1975. The two spacecraft successfully completed the rendezvous and docking on July 17th. While the Soyuz craft returned to Earth on July 21st, the Apollo craft stayed in space another 3 days, landing on July 24th in the Pacific Ocean. ASTP was a success, as not only did crews accomplish the rendezvous and docking, but they also performed in-flight intervehicular crew transfers and various scientific experiments. ASTP proved to be significant step toward improving international cooperation in space during the Cold War.
日本語: 発射台上に設置されるソユーズ(バイコヌール、1975年7月15日)
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15 July 1975
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