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[edit] Information
States have differing abortion laws in Australia.
Español: Mapamundi sobre la legislación sobre el aborto por países. Véase
AbortionLawsMap-NoLegend.png para una versión sin leyenda de la mismae.
- Legend transcription
██ Legal on demand
██ Legal for rape, maternal life, health, mental health, socioecomic factors, and/or fetal defects
██ Illegal with exception for rape, maternal life, health, fetal defects, and/or mental health
██ Illegal with exception for rape, maternal life, health, and/or mental health
██ Illegal with exception for maternal life, health, and/or mental health
██ Illegal with no exceptions
██ Varies by region
██ No information
Vertical stripes (various colours): Illegal but unenforced
[edit] Source
Created by Severa from blank world map by Vardion. Island nations, etc., edited in from other region maps and from Image:Laws on homosexuality.PNG by Earl Andrew. Colour scheme partially borrowed from Death Penalty World Map.
[edit] Licensing
[edit] History on English Wikipedia
- (Delete all revisions of this file) (cur) 19:39, 15 July 2006 . . Cassowary (Talk | contribs | block) . . 1350×625 (28,082 bytes)
- (del) (rev) 13:14, 29 June 2006 . . Severa (Talk | contribs | block) . . 1350×625 (39,230 bytes) (Rv South Dakota.)
- (del) (rev) 06:16, 15 June 2006 . . Severa (Talk | contribs | block) . . 1350×625 (31,012 bytes) (==Information== Created by Severa from blank world map by Vardion. Island nations, etc., edited in from other region maps and)
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