Discussioni Wikipedia:Ambasciata/Requesting guidance
Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.
Hi, wish you seasons greetings to every one here at Italian Language Wikipedia.About main page heading tab at top for your wikipedia appears "Pagina principale" where as for other pages it appears as only "Pagina" .The guidance I require is how I can achive the same effect for my [:mr] language wikipedia.For our wikipedia it appears like "Pagina" on main page also. So to say "Pagina principale" I have to waste 4 lines extra on main page.This is true about all language wikipedias to my knowledge except your wikipedia and en wiki. Can some one guide me please. mr:User:mahitgar Mahitgar 12:43, 24 dic 2006 (CET)
I think that this should be the text
var mpTitle = "Pagina principale"; var isMainPage = (document.title.substr(0, document.title.lastIndexOf(" - ")) == mpTitle); var isDiff = (document.location.search && (document.location.search.indexOf("diff=") != -1 || document.location.search.indexOf("oldid=") != -1)); if (isMainPage && !isDiff) { document.write('<style type="text/css">/*<![CDATA[*/ #lastmod, #siteSub, #contentSub, h1.firstHeading { display: none !important; } /*]]>*/</style>'); var mpSmallEnabled; var mpMinWidth = 700; function mainPageTransform() { if ((isMainPage || /[\/=:]Pagina_principale/.test(document.location)) && document.getElementById('ca-nstab-main')) document.getElementById('ca-nstab-main').firstChild.innerHTML = 'Pagina principale'; var mpContentEl = document.getElementById("bodyContent"); var mpBrowseEl = document.getElementById("EnWpMpBrowse"); var mpContainEl = document.getElementById("EnWpMpBrowseContainer"); var mpMarginEl = document.getElementById("EnWpMpMargin"); var mpEl = document.getElementById("EnWpMainPage"); if (!mpContentEl || !mpBrowseEl || !mpContainEl || !mpMarginEl || !mpEl) return; if (!mpSmallEnabled && mpContentEl.offsetWidth < mpMinWidth) { mpContainEl.insertBefore(mpBrowseEl, mpContainEl.firstChild); mpBrowseEl.className = "EnWpMpBrowseBottom"; mpMarginEl.style.marginRight = 0; mpSmallEnabled = true; } else if (mpSmallEnabled && mpContentEl.offsetWidth > mpMinWidth) { mpEl.insertBefore(mpBrowseEl, mpEl.firstChild); mpBrowseEl.className = "EnWpMpBrowseRight"; mpMarginEl.style.marginRight = "13.8em"; mpSmallEnabled = false; } } var onloadFuncts = [ mainPageTransform ]; if (window.addEventListener) window.addEventListener("resize", mainPageTransform, false); else if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent("onresize", mainPageTransform); }
Helios 13:02, 24 dic 2006 (CET)