Discussioni utente:F l a n k e r
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[modifica] Bar della pagina di discussione del Portale Fascismo
Ho fatto una nuova proposta che forse può mettere d'accordo tutti, vedi un pò se ti piace e se ti piace votala. :) --CapitanoNemo 09:48, 2 apr 2007 (CEST)
[modifica] Ionic_order.svg
Hi F l a n k e r, I just want to say thank you for releasing this picture in the public domain :-) I am writing a role-playing game about ancient Greece and I was searching for a free picture of a Greek column to design my web site. I've found your great one, it is exactly what I wanted. I will modify it a bit and it will spare me time drawing another version. The URL of my site will be http://www.300hippeis.com (sorry, only in French). You can find a preview of the design here: http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/1262/63209944am9.jpg Everything else is original. I hope you'll like what I've done with your column.
--TL 21:36, 2 apr 2007
[modifica] Image:Blason famille it Gonzaga04.svg
Buongiorno ! I have restored the original version of this blazon : the lion has to be lampassato e collarinato d’oro ( not lampassato de rosso) and dalla coda doppia, the eagle has to be dal volo abbassato and neither armata d'oro nor imbeccata d'oro. More, it has been decided in the french-speaking project Projet:Blasons of unified colours that we do respect. Anyway, if you have some corrections to mean on any blazon, you should tell the author what you think wrong and not overload your own picture, it's the least respect you should have. I'm sorry to be so rough with you but I think that under the reason « corrected some geometries and aspect ratios » you have completely wrecked the spirit of the blazon. Congratulations, ℍenry (parlate lentamente, per favore) 16:20, 3 apr 2007 (CEST) (answer on fr:WP talk please)
- Buona sera ! Pas de problème, j'ai peur d'avoir été un peu sec, excuse moi encore ! À bientôt. Cordialement, ℍenry (parlate lentamente, per favore) (francese disussione) 19:17, 3 apr 2007 (CEST)
- Buongiorno ! The calm after the tempest (I still apologize !) : Let's have a smile about the lions : they must have a visible sex : if the lion is emasculated (italiano=evirato, french=éviré) it's a shame, the family has had some problem with her ruler (signore) and has been condamned to bear this infamous sign on her coat of arms (Quale vergogna !). Cordialmente, ℍenry (parlate lentamente, per favore) (francese disussione) 10:15, 4 apr 2007 (CEST)
- Buona sera ! Pas de problème, j'ai peur d'avoir été un peu sec, excuse moi encore ! À bientôt. Cordialement, ℍenry (parlate lentamente, per favore) (francese disussione) 19:17, 3 apr 2007 (CEST)
[modifica] en:Wikipedia:Featured picture candidates/Emblem of the Papacy
Hi. Can you tell us what this is representing? The three sources you gave don't make it clear what this is exactly or why there are stylistic differences from what is on the Vatican website. Can you show us where this emblem is used by the Vatican as oppose to different looking versions. It's very well done, I'm just not sure what it is :O --gren グレン 18:41, 19 March 2007 (UTC)
- Hello, can you participate in the discussion? Thank you. ~ Trialsanderrors 01:43, 7 apr 2007 (CEST)