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[modifica] Position
- Postdoc at S3 CNR-INFM National Research Center, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia.
[modifica] Research Experience
- Device modelling:
Development of a classical drift diffusion, Monte Carlo and quantum simulators and their application to the modelling of silicon nano-devices with high-k gate staks. The devices of interest are likely to have both conventional and novel architectures, employing both and silicon, strained silicon and silicon-germanium channels. - Semiclassical carrier transport:
Development of a quantum-corrected algorithm, that allows the introduction of collisional broadening in semiclassical electron transport Monte Carlo simulations. A basic theoretical analysis of the electron-phonon scattering from a quantum point of view has been outlined and a modification to the traditional MC algorithm has been developed on the basis of the perturbation theory. Our algorithm allows for CB at each scattering event, depending onthe time interval between two successive phonon interactions. All the carrier distributions obtained with CB-MC simulations exhibit some important deviations from those obtained with traditional MC. The algorithm is suitable for application in MC simulations of realistic device models. - Quantum electronic transport:
Simulation of coherent and dissipative transport in electronic devices. Simulation of transport using the Schrödinger equation and the Wigner function. Investigation of modifications on electronic dynamics inside mesoscopic systems. The results obtained show that the transport properties depend on the dimensions of the region inside which the coherence of the electronic ensemble is retained. The contacts are supposed to spoil such a coherence, therefore the interference processes between the carrier wavefunction and the internal potential profile can be affected by the proximity of the contacts. Another research field has been the development of a Monte Carlo algorithm to study the electron dynamics in homogeneous semiconductor with phonon interactions, within a fully quantum formulation.
Title of the PhD thesis: "Effect of contact proximity on quantum transport in mesoscopic semiconductor systems". Advisor: Prof. C.Jacoboni. - Atomic physics:
Study of the light-condensed matter interaction. Theoretical study of light scattering from rare earth, with particular interest in dichroism and magnetic materials. Derivation of sum-rules for light scattering in fast-collision approximation, with angular resolution. Derivation of cross section for light scattering without fast-collision approximation, with angular resolution. The interference effects among the intermediate states are described as a function of the directions and polarizations of the incoming and outcoming beams. The special case where the emission is due to inner-shell recombination is considered. A variety of peculiar effects are discussed. The simplest cases are analytically examined showing the potential sensitivity of this technique to the electronic structure.
Title of the graduating thesis: "X-ray inelastic Raman scattering with angular resolution". Advisor: Prof. C.M.Bertoni.
[modifica] Education
- 2006-2007
Post doc at S3 CNR-INFM National Research Center, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy. - 2005-2006
Research Assistant at the Dept. of Electronics & Electrical Engineering, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom. - 2005
Pronounced expert on the subject “Condensed Matter Physics FIS03” by the Science Faculty of Università degli studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy. - 2002-2005
Member of the Research & Development Centre S3 - nanoStructures and bioSystems at Surfaces, Modena, Italy. - 2002-2004
PhD degree. Graduate student at the Department of Physics, Università degli studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy. - 2001-2005
Affiliated to the Italian Institute for Solid State Physics (INFM Istituto Nazionale per la Fisica della Materia), Italy. - 1995-2001
Degree in Physics, Università degli studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Mark: 110/110 cum laude. Modena, Italy. - 1990-1995
High school degree “maturità scientifica” at Liceo Scientifico Statale A. Tassoni, Mark: 60/60. Modena, Italy.
[modifica] Teaching
- October-December 2003; October-December 2002: Teaching Assistant, Department of Physics, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy. Excercise classes on “Electromagnetism II” (Electrodynamics and Optics) (18 h in 2003 and 18 h in 2002).
- Since 1999: active participation in the spreading initiatives, promoted by S3 Centre and the Department of Physics, for the diffusion of physics culture addressed to students and teachers of the schools of the territory. Leader of some interdisciplinary courses between science and humanistic disciplines for students of secondary schools. Tutor of students of secondary schools participating at stage programs at the Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia.
[modifica] Conferences
- 6th Symposium on SiO2, advanced dielectrics and related devices (SiO2006), Mondello (Italy), 25-28 June 2006.
oral contribution: “Beyond SiO2 technology: The impact of high-k dielectrics”. - European Materials Research Society: Spring meeting 2006 (E-MRS IUMRS ICEM 06), Nice (France), 29 May- 2 June 2006.
oral contribution: “Monte Carlo study of mobility in Si devices with HfO2 based oxides”. - 11th International Workshop on Computational Electronics (IWCE 11), Wien (Austria), 25-27 May 2006.
oral contribution: “Introducing energy broadening in semiclassical Monte Carlo simulations”. - Biannual Advanced Gate Stack Engineering Meeting, Austin Texas (United States), 28 February- 1 March 2006.
invited oral contribution: “The impact of the interfacial layer and structure of the high-k dielectric (HfO2) on mobility, device performance and intrinsic parameter fluctuations”. - 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Gate Stack Technology, Austin Texas (United States), 25-28 September 2005.
- 1st Matter, Materials and Devices Meeting, Genoa (Italy), 22-25 June 2005.
oral contribution: “Electron Dynamics Inside Short-Coherence Systems”. - 4th Workshop on Multiscale Problems in Quantum Physics, München (Germany), 4-5 November 2004.
oral contribution: “Modifications in electron dynamics due to contact proximity”. - National congress of the Institute for Solid State Physics (INFMeeting04), Genoa (Italy), 8-10 June 2004.
- National congress of the Institute for Solid State Physics (INFMeeting03), Genoa (Italy), 23-25 June 2003.
- 13th International Conference on Nonequilibrium Carrier Dynamics in Semiconductors (HCIS 13), Modena (Italy), 28 July- 1 August 2003.
- 9th International Workshop on Computational Electronics (IWCE 9), Rome (Italy), 25-28 May 2003.
oral contribution: “Proximity Effect of the Contacts on Electron Transport in Mesoscopic Devices”. - National congress of the Institute for Solid State Physics (INFMeeting01), Rome (Italy), 18-22 June 2001.
[modifica] Schools
- August 15th to 19th, 2005: 1stSINANO Modelling Summer School, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
- April 18th to 21st, 2004: 23rd Convention of theoretical and solid state physics, INFM, Trento, Italy.
- September 15th to 19th, 2003: Surface Science, ISI/INFM, Torino, Italy.
- September 8th to 12th, 2003: Neutron and Synchrotron radiation spectroscopy from disoredered systems, surfaces and interfaces, ISI/INFM, Torino, Italy.
- March 2003: Administration of Linux operating systems, CICAIA, Modena, Italy.
- December 2002: Introduction to Linux operating system, CICAIA, Modena, Italy.
- September 17th to 28th, 2001: 6th National School of Synchrotron Radiation, SILS, Santa Margherita di Pula (Ca), Italy.
I have attended National or International Conferences and Schools presenting 14 posters and the following 7 oral contributions:
- “Beyond SiO2 technology: The impact of high-k dielectrics”, SiO2006 Symposium, Mondello (Italy), 25-28 June 2006.
- “Monte Carlo study of mobility in Si devices with HfO2 based oxides”, E-MRS IUMRS ICEM 06, Nice (France), 29 May- 2 June 2006.
- “Introducing energy broadening in semiclassical Monte Carlo simulations”, IWCE 11, Wien (Austria), 25-27 May 2006.
- Invited, “The impact of the interfacial layer and structure of the high-k dielectric (HfO2) on mobility, device performance and intrinsic parameter fluctuations”, Biannual Advanced Gate Stack Engineering Meeting, Austin Texas (United States), 28 February- 1 March 2006.
- “Electron Dynamics Inside Short-Coherence Systems”, 1st Matter, Materials and Devices Meeting, Genoa (Italy), 22-25 June 2005.
- “Modifications in electron dynamics due to contact proximity”, 4th Workshop on Multiscale Problems in Quantum Physics, Müchen (Germany), 4-5 November 2004.
- “Proximity Effect of the Contacts on Electron Transport in Mesoscopic Devices”, IWCE 9, Rome (Italy), 25-28 May 2003.
[modifica] Publications
Publications in international journals
- Giulio Ferrari, J.R. Watling, S. Roy, J.R. Barker, and A. Asenov, “Beyond SiO2 technology: Simulation of the impact of high-k dielectrics on mobility”, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, accepted to be published, (2006).
- E. Cancellieri, M. Rosini, A. Bertoni, Giulio Ferrari, and C. Jacoboni, “Conductance of Winding Wires”, Journal of Computational Electronics, accepted to be published, (2006).
- Giulio Ferrari, A. Asenov, M. Nedjalkov, and C. Jacoboni, “Introducing energy broadening in semiclassical Monte Carlo simulations”, Journal Computational Electronics, accepted to be published, (2006).
- Giulio Ferrari, J. Watling, S. Roy, J. Barker, P. Zeitzoff, G. Bersuker, and A. Asenov, “On the Impact of High-k Gate Stacks on Mobility: A Monte Carlo Study Including Coupled SO Phonon-plasmon Scattering”, Journal of Computational Electronics, accepted to be published, (2006).
- Giulio Ferrari, J.R. Watling, S. Roy, J.R. Barker, P. Zeitzoff, G. Bersuker, and A. Asenov, “Monte Carlo study of mobility in Si devices with HfO2 based oxides”, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 9, 995 (2006).
- Giulio Ferrari, E. Cancellieri, P. Bordone, and C. Jacoboni, “Quantum Phonon-Limited High-Field Electron Transport in Semiconductors”, Nonequilibrium Carrier Dynamics in Semiconductors, Springer Proceedings in Physics Series 110 (2006).
- Giulio Ferrari, P.Bordone, and C. Jacoboni, “Electron Dynamics Inside Short-Coherence Systems”, Physics Letters A 356, 371 (2006).
- J. R. Barker, J. R. Watling, and Giulio Ferrari, “SO phonon scattering rates at the Si-HfO2 interface in Si MOSFETs”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 38, 184 (2006).
- E. Cancellieri, P. Bordone, A. Bertoni, Giulio Ferrari, and C. Jacoboni, “Wigner Function for Identical Particles”, Journal of Computational Electronics 3, 411 (2004).
- F. Borgatti, G. Ghiringhelli, P. Ferriani, Giulio Ferrari, G. van der Laan, and C.M. Bertoni, “Sum rules for resonant inelastic x-rayscattering: explicit form and angular dependence in perpendicular geometry”, Physical Review B 69, 134420 (2004).
- P. Ferriani, C.M. Bertoni, and Giulio Ferrari, “Angle-resolved resonant inelastic x-ray scattering from transition-metal magnetic ions”, Physical Review B 69, 104433 (2004).
- Giulio Ferrari, N. Giacobbi, P. Bordone, A. Bertoni, and C. Jacoboni, “Influence of contacts on the electron transport dynamics inside a mesoscopic system”, Semiconductor Science Technology 19, S254 (2004).
- A. Bertoni, P. Bordone, Giulio Ferrari, N. Giacobbi, and C. Jacoboni, “Proximity effect of the contacts on electron transport in mesoscopic devices”, Journal of Computational Electronics 2, 137 (2003).
- P. Ferriani, G. Ghiringhelli, Giulio Ferrari, C.M. Bertoni, A. Tagliaferri, L. Braicovich, and N.B. Brookes, “Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering from Magnetic Systems: Mn in MnFe2O4”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 200, 220 (2003).